Ch.14- The Talk

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A/N: hey guys! I am NOT going to explain the boys puberty talk. Even though I kind of know it because my brother can't keep a secret...I am not going to explain it. Sry! Trying not to make things awkward.


Louis P.O.V


I sat in my chair. I spun around in circles as I waited for Misses Styles. "Sorry for the wait." She entered. I stopped spinning and made eye contact. "Don't worry about it. Principal Damnsworth isn't here yet." I reassured her. "Oh, okay." She sat down at a seat in front of my desk. Maybe we are suppose to be at her office instead. "Sorry I'm late." Principal Damnsworth walked in and stood beside me.

We all sat/stood there for a moment in complete silence. Damnsworth looked at each other then back at Ann. "Has Harry's grades been improving?" She asked. "Yes. It has turned from a D to an A." I answered her. She smiled. "Thank for tutoring Harry." she said. "That's what I'm here for." I leaned back into chair.

We continued talking about Harry for an hour. Ann left and Damnsworth was shortly behind her. I began to flip through the journals.

"Did I get a good review?" Harry asked as he walked in. "Yes." I answered him as I gathered up my stuff. "U seem to be in a rush." He sat down at a desk. "What?...oh, no. I just have a lot to do." I said. I got the rest of my things together and headed out with Harry.

"What do u have to do?" He asked. This boy is just full of questions today. "Correct journals...get things ready for the puberty talk with the boys...that's pretty much it." I answered him. "Anything else you have to do?" He asked as I pulled into the drive way. "Not that I know if." I answered him. I walked into the flat and laid down on the couch. Harry walked right up to me.

Before he could say anything, I smashed my lips to his. I've been missing this all day. I pinned him to the couch. "Why do you keep asking so many questions?" I asked him, breaking the rough kiss. "For school. I am actually doing my homework." He answered me. I shot him a odd glance. "Miss Dangston is a very strange teacher. I think we were in History so she told us to interview a teacher about their day." He explained. "Lets not include this part though." I smashed my lips back to his. Something I have been waiting for all day.

I broke the kiss and got up. I took a 20 minute shower.

Harry P.O.V

I watched Louis as he walked to the bathroom. Maybe it won't be as bad as I thought for 'the talk' tomorrow. Yes, it will be awkward. Then again, it's only boys in there. It would be strange if the girls would be to. I am not looking forward to the Sex Ed. class. That's a whole other story.

I walked to his room and crawled into bed. I stared at the ceiling. What happens if this is my last night here? Tears began to roll down my cheeks as Louis walked in. "What's wrong Hazza?" Louis sat beside me. He rubbed m cheek. "Nothing for you to worry about." I answered him with a smile. "Why are you thinking so hard?" He laid beside me, above the covers. "That's what you taught me." I answered him. We continued smiling at each other and he kept rubbing my cheek.

What if we never have moments like theses ever again? A tear rolled down m cheek. "Hazza don't cry without me knowing why." He said, playing with my curls. He tugged on them a little. "What is it? You seem upset." Louis said. "I was just wondering what things are going to be like after your done tutoring me." I told him. I tried to hold back some tears, but they ended up coming right out. "No need to worry." Louis said as he pulled me into a hug. "What happens if we're not as good of friends anymore?" I sniffled. "Don't worry about that Hazza. I'm sure we will be close friends still." He reassured me. I hope he's right.


I jumped out of be and got dressed quickly. I don't know why, I'm just in a really good mood. "Why are you up so early?" Louis groaned in bed. "Don't you have work in the morning?" I asked him. "Yeah, but it's to early." He groaned, rolling around on the bed. "It's 7 o'clock." I told him. He jumped out of bed and got dressed in a matter of seconds.

I wandered into the kitchen and made myself some breakfast. "Your up early." Liam walked in. "Why does everyone keep saying that?" I groaned and sat down. "Everyone meaning..." he sat across from me. "You and Louis."

"That's not everyone."

"You know what I mean."

"What happens if I didn't?"

I shot him a 'what are you talking about' glare. "No need to over exaggerate." He said. I sipped my tea. Maybe I should calm down.


I sat at my desk and stared at the ground; slouched over my desk. Louis was fiddling with his pencil. He dropped it when Damnsworth walked in. "Morning students. If I could have the girls move to the room across the way and the boys stay here please." Principal Damnsworth instructed. The girls did what they were told and the boys stayed. Damnsworth nodded to Louis and walked off.

Louis stood up, but fell back down when Mr. Brooke walked in. I honestly don't know what he teaches...he wonders the school and talks to people. Is he the mascot? He leaned against Louis's desk.

"Can I help you?" Louis asked him. Mr. Brooke leaned down and whispered something into Louis's ear. "Okay." Louis leaned back in his chair awkwardly. This isn't going to be that good.


Photos...charts...color coding...videos...Mr. Brooke...

One to many thoughts are running through my head. "Hey Harry." Niall caught up to me while I continued speed walking to my locker. "Hey Niallar." I said to him as I opened my locker. I jumped backwards when my water bottle came flying at me. "Calm down Harry, it's just a water bottle." Niall said and picked up my bottle. He handed it back to me. "Thanks." I said as I put it back.

"Do you wanna hang at Zayn's place after school?" He asked. "Sure." I answered him. He cheered for a second then hugged me and ran off. That was a bit odd.

I closed my locker and headed to my next class. Did Niall and Zayn need to tell me something important?

Louis P.O.V

I was flipping through journals when Principal Damnsworth walked in. "May I help you?" I asked her. "No need. I was just informed that Harry has been doing very well in all of his classes. You no longer need to tutor him. I already informed his mother. She will pick him up at your place at 4:15." She said. That was pretty straight forward. "Okay." Was all I could manage. Harry wasn't staying at my flat any more.


"Hey Boo." Harry walked in. "Hey Haz." I said a bit depressed. "What's wrong boo?" He sat on my lap and snuggled into my chest. "Your going home." I said and looked down at him. A tear ran down his cheek. "I know...I know..." I rubbed his back in circles and rocked him back and forth on my lap.

"How about we get going. Your mom is picking you up at my flat at 4:15." I said. Harry sat up on my lap and nodded. We collected our things and headed out. Tears kept slipping from Harry's eyes as we walked to my car.

"Don't cry babe." I said and wiped a tear away with my thumb as soon as we got into the car. "Why worry?" I asked. I remember him getting upset over us when I stopped tutoring him. "What is our friendship going to be like from now on?" He asked. "The same. There is no reason for it to change." I answered him.

We looked deeply into each others eyes. I leaned in and kiss softly onto his lips. He moved his hands through my hair and crawled on top of me. I don't care who is watching us, almost everyone knows! Yes, it does seem weird that a teacher and a student are making in a car in the teachers parking lot. I honestly don't care right now.

I'm going to miss him.

I'm going to miss this.


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