Ch.10- Another A?

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Harry P.O.V

Louis woke up already. I got up, slowly. I got dressed and walked into the kitchen for breakfast.

"The moon was so close...then BOOM! It turned into cheese." I walked in when Liam was talking about...who knows what.

I wasn't hungry, so I got a cup of tea. "Did u find him like that?" I asked Louis. "No. He was outside talking to a bush." Louis answered me.

"MY HOMEWORK!" I shouted and ran to my back pack. I quickly rummaged through it and pulled out my history textbook and a black piece of paper. I have 5 questions to answer about The French and Indian war. My teacher thought I was cheating because I never came to class, often, then got a 100. She knows I am at Louis's flat, so I can't cheat.

"She really gave u homework?" Louis questioned me. I nodded and flipped through the book.

"Back in the day, we had homework." Liam said drunkly. Louis rolled his eyes and began to clean up. I answered each question in a minute for each. Then I looked over them. Maybe if I get a hundred on this, I will get another reward. "Louis, if I get a hundred on this, will I get another reward? Will I get to be on top?" I asked. He thought for a moment. "It's not a test or a quiz, maybe."

"What about an A?"

"Maybe. It's only homework."

I let out a sigh. I grabbed my back pack and got into the car.


"Lovely drawing u had yesterday." Louis broke the silence. I forgot about that. "Thanks." I said.

"What if I get a F? What will I get from that?"

"I told u I reward u if u get it right-"

"U also sad if I get it wrong, u would be on top. Then if I get it right, I'd be on top."

"I see that u now remember what the teacher says."

"No, I remember what my friends say...and my mom of course."

Louis chuckled-SCORE-as he pulled into the parking lot. "Same time, same place?" I asked. "Yes." Louis answered me as he got his brief case out.

I ran into the building and went straight to my locker. There was a note attached to it. It said:

"Listen up faggot. The entire school knows ur gay...why r u hitting on Mr. Tomlinson? If u don't answer, we will make sure he gets fired."

Hello to u to. Who was this from? I took it down and looked around. Some people were giggling. Was this a prank? if it was, it hurt. there are some mean people here. I tired my best not to worry about, that didn't end up happening. I dropped the note onto the ground and ran to the boys bathroom.

I slammed the stall door shut and locked it. Every time, I mean every time, someone is bullying me and I am to afraid to tell the teacher...I cut. I could tell Louis, but what happens if it ruins our friend ship.

I took out the little knife I had in my front pocket of my back pack. I pulled back my sleeve and dragged the knife across my skin. The blood dripped onto the floor. Maybe I should clean this up before anyone notices.

Louis P.O.V

Everyone walked in. It wasn't as chatty as usual. They all kept looking at me then at Harry's seat. "Mr. T?" Nathan raised his hand. "Yes?"

"Do u know where Harry is?"

"In the building."

Some of the class groaned as other handed others money. Some even gave each other high-fives. What has gotten into these kids? "Okay then. Today we will be writing about-"

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