Ch.12- Math test

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A/N: my science/math teacher calls our (most) of our tests or quizzes "quests". It's a combination of both words. It's just as important as a test and is as long as a quiz.


Harry P.O.V


I was sitting at my desk and was doodling in my notebook of a cat. Not just any cat, a lion. I am feeling strong and nightly today! I have a math test and feeling pretty good about it. I went over it before I went to bed.

"R u paying any attention Styles?" Louis whacked his ruler down on my desk. I dropped my pencil and jumped back. I just had a mini heart attack just then. "Yes, yes I am." I answered him. "Then what did I say?" He got up into my face. Some of my classmates 'ooo'ed. "U said...r u paying any attention Styles?" I said in a strong man voice and sticking out my chest. I got some giggles from that.

"I mean educational wise." Louis crossed his arms. I got nothing. "I learn differently." I said, not trying to sound dirty minded...others thought though. Louis looked like he was going to slap me. If he is going to slap me, it better be my ass! He rolled his eyes and continued talking. Why is he mad at me all of sudden? I will ask him at the end of class...if I make it.

I'm bored.


Longest hour of my life! I love hearing Louis talking, but if its about school...I ain't ur guy for that. Everyone was passing their journals up to Louis. I waited till everyone is was out before speaking. "Did I do something wrong?" I asked. "No. Why would u think that?" Louis leaned back into his chair. "Well u kind of yelled at me." I gestured over to my desk. "Hazza," I leaned for ward and rested his head in his hands, "u would be surprised by how suspicious ur class mates are and how sneaky they are." He tugged on his hair. "What?" I asked dumbly. "They think I am dating u." He looked at me. That would be nice to date my teacher, but not now. Maybe when I graduate or something.

"Do the teachers think the same?" I sat down on the closest desk towards Louis. I don't want him to get fired because of me. "No. They know I'm gay." Louis shrugged it off like it was nothing and leaned back. "Do they know?" I asked. "About the rewards? Only Damnsworth." He shrugged it off like it was nothing. "How does she know?" I stood up in panic. "I told her."


"She needed to know."


"Harry, let me tell u a little something about teachers." He gestured me to sit down. "When one student is struggling in one class, he or she struggles in another class. Once that teacher says 'Sally hasn't been getting her homework in,'" he said in a girls voice, "another teacher starts talking about that same student doing the same thing. Then the principal gets in. next thing u know, everyones talking about that one student. That's why there is a teacher's lounge." He explained. "Three things. Does every teacher know? U know who's grade is who's? What class am I struggling in?" I through out questions. If they all can only imagine, others prefer not to. "Damnsworth is the only one who knows. I do know everyone's grade, but I can't say everyone's on the top of me head. U r struggling in History." He answered me as he began to go through the journals. Figures, history. Never been to fond of it. Never will be either.

"Did I answer ur question?" Louis asked. "Yeah, one more thing." I said before leaving. "What may that be?"

"What did u exactly tell Damnsworth?"

"I just told I gave u a blow job. She didn't think it was a horrible thing. As long as it had to do with school work, it was all good with her."

"Oh...another thing before I go."

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