Ch.15- Good Bye

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Louis P.O.V

We walked into the flat. Harry ran to my room. I flopped onto the couch and stared at the ceiling. "Why so glum?" Liam walked in. "Harry is leaving." I said and sat up. "You see him everyday. Why would you be upset?" He questioned me and sat beside me. "I-I honestly don't know." I snuggled to his chest. "You know you can always have him over other times." Liam told me. "I don't think so. Maybe though." I said. I'm really going to miss having Hazza around. I still have Liam though.

"LOUIS!" Harry yelled from my room in panic. I jumped up from the couch and ran to my room. "What's the mat-" I was cut off by Harry kissing me and pinning me to the wall. "Why were you yelling?" I panted, breaking the rough kiss. "I just wanted you." Harry answered me with a kiss.

He pushed me to to the bed and crawled on top of me. Harry took off my shirt and began to leave kisses from my neck down. He played with the button on my pants and un did them slowly. My member sprung free! Harry wasted no time. He sucked hard on it. I got a tight grip onto the covers. I'm going to miss this the most.

Harry took off his pants and entered me. No protection. We haven't used it really...we mostly just get lucky about it. This time, not so much.

Harry grinder into me quickly and released quickly. No, I'm going to miss this the most...I won't be able to forget it.

Liam P.O.V


I got up off the couch and walked to the door. I opened the door to find Ann. "Good evening Ann." I greeted and motioned her to come in. "Thank you." She said as she walked in. She sat down on the couch. I sat on the chair beside the couch. We sat in silent until we heard moaning from Louis's room.

"Would you please excuse me for a moment please." I got up and ran to Louis's room. I opened the door to find Louis lying on his bed and Harry getting changed quickly. I looked around to find an empty condom wrapper. Nope. No. My best friend is pregnant! Wait, since when do I worry of they were protected till now. Hmmmm.

"Harry, your mom is here." I said. He dashed out. I walked over to Louis. "Do you feel moody? Craving for something you don't eat?" I asked him in a loving-motherly voice. "Now you mention it, a salad would be nice." He answered me. Both our eyes widened. "I'll go get the sticks." I said before running to the kitchen.

I was back in seconds. "Here." I handed it to him. I walked out and waited. I heard a shout. "NOOOOO!!!" I heard Louis scream. I walked in. He was crying into his pillow. "What's wrong?" I walked up to him and sat down. Louis showed me the result. Positive. My Best Friend is pregnant.

I got out my phone and called Harry. "Hello?" He said into the speaker thing. "Hey Haz, it's Liam."

"Hey Li."

"This is news you shouldn't be hearing until your older, but..."


"Louis is pregnant. Your going to be a daddy."



"I have made my teacher pregnant. I put my favorite teacher into labor. Oh shit."

"Don't be upset. Something good will have to come out of this. Like a baby shower."

"Can I talk to Louis?"


I handed Louis the phone and he began to talk to him. "Hi...just found out now...I hate wish...I'M GOING TO GET SO FAT!...yes I'm still going to need...see you in 9 months...bye babe." Louis hung up. Poor thing. I feel so bad for my best friend.

Harry P.O.V

I was staring at the ceiling after Louis told me the news. What's tomorrow going to be like? Is he going to tell anyone? I wrapped the covers tightly around me and fell a sleep. I made my teacher pregnant. Can't say that everyday.


I walked into Louis's classroom. I was late, but not entirely late. Only 5 minutes. Louis was crying in his chair and everyone was looking his way. I walked to my desk.

"Harry, why is Louis crying?" Niall whispered in my ear. I was not going to tell him that he's pregnant. That would be weird. "I-I don't know." I answered him. The entire class kept staring at me. "What?" I asked them. They all turned back to Louis.

Nathan stood up and walked to Louis's desk. Everyone was dead silent. "Excuse me, Mr. Tomlinson?" Nathan said. Louis looked up at him with blood shot eyes. "Y-Yes?" Louis stuttered. "What's wrong? We haven't started class." Nathan asked. "You know what's wrong?" Louis slammed his fist on his desk, causing everyone to jump back. "I-I d-don't know w-what's wrong." Nathan said nervously.

"I'm going to get extremely fat for 9 fucking months! All because of a fucking baby!" Louis screamed. Everyone's eyes widened and looked over at me. "Your pregnant?" Nathan asked him. "Back to your seat." Louis ordered. Nathan ran back to his seat. I have never seen Louis swear at a student except me.

The rest of class was just as awkward. Everyone kept staring at me. I think they all figured out it was me. I kept my head down and made no eye contact with any of my classmates.

The bell finally went off and everyone ran out of the classroom. I stayed behind and talked to Louis. "Are you really having a baby?" I asked him. He nodded and sighed. "I'm so sorry." I said. "There's no need to be sorry." Louis comforted me. "Yes there is." I sat on his lap. "No there isn't. It just for a little while. Then it's over." He patted his stomach. Were going to be daddies. Oh goody!


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