Ch.4- We need to talk

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Louis P.O.V

I walked into my class, late once again. "Morning class, sorry I am late once again. My room mate wouldn't let me leave." I heard a few giggles and whispers. "I didn't mean it like that." I rolled my eyes. I have some dirty minded students.

I sat down and glanced around the room. Harry isn't here. "Okay, so to day we will-"

"Na, Na, Na, Na

Come on

Na, Na, Na, Na

Come on

Na, Na, Na, Na, Na

Come on

Na, Na, Na, Na

Come on, come on, come on

Na, Na, Na

Feels so good being bad..."

My phone was going off. I forgot to put it on vibrate! I looks everywhere to find it. It just continued playing! S&M by Rihanna.

"There's no way I am turning back...

Now the pain is my pleasure, cause nothing could measure...

Love is great, love is fine...

Out of the box, outta line...

The affection leaving, leaves me wanting more...

Cause I might be bad, but I am perfectly good at it...

Sex in the air, I don't care, I like the smell of it...

Sticks and stones, may brake my bones, but a chains and whips, excite me...

Cause I might be bad, but I am perfectly good at it...

Sex in the air, I don't care, I like the smell of it...

Sticks and stones, may brake my bones, but a chains and whips, excite me...„

"Hello?" I picked up. It was Liam. "I can't talk right now, I am in class. Bye." I didn't let him say a word.

"Sorry for that class," I apologized, "so, for today's writing assignment is going to be..." I thought for a moment, "what animal describes u best. It could be more then one." I sat back down.

The kids came up to my desk and retrieved their journals and began to write.

Liam P.O.V

I was washing tables when a familiar curly-haired boy walked in. "Oi, don't I know u?" I walked over to him. "Oh, hi Liam." I leaned against the wall. "I thought u didn't have ur shift till later?"

"I do, but I thought I come early."

"It's 10 am."

"I know."

"Ur shift isn't till...2:15, I believe."

"I know."

"U should be at school."

"I know."

"So why aren't u there?"

"Because I have a lot of homework to do."

"I thought u didn't stay the entire day?"

"How did u know that?"

"Word gets around fast. Especially when ur best friend is a teacher."


"Well if u do have a lot of homework to do, then why are u here?"

"I have a job."

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