Ch.13- ROAR

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Harry P.O.V

Rain, rain, rain, rain, & more rain. Yesterday was the only day without rain. I don't mind the gloomy days, it's to much that drives me crazy. Especially waking up to it. I can never get out of bed when it's like that. It's perfect sleeping weather.

I got myself out of bed. It was a miracle. I wondered to the bathroom and turned on the shower. I didn't even wait for the water to warm up. I just got in. "COLD!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and jumped out of the shower. That woke me right up.

I wrapped up in a towel. I am not going to take a shower this morning. It's Friday. I walked into Louis's room and quickly got changed.

I wondered into the kitchen. "But's just...I give up." Louis raised his hands in the air. "What?" I asked dumbly as I sat down. "Just Liam asking impossible questions." Louis groaned. Why is he groaning? It's Friday. "He hates Fridays." Liam pointed out. "Why?" I asked. I have never met a person who hated Fridays. "I have to assign with the teachers...and something else that changes every week." He complained. "That's why? Don't u like the weekends?"


"Can we sleep in tomorrow?"

"No Hazza, we can't. We have to wake up at 6:30 to got to school on a Saturday." He said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes.


"Morning class." Louis walked in with a smile. I already was at my seat. Niall and Zayn weren't here. I haven't talked to them in a while. I wonder where they are today? "Today, we r going to write about...are theme song of our life or how it describes ur u. Maybe even a playlist. It's going to be due on Monday." He fell back in his chair. Everyone looked at each other funny then went right to work.

I was scribbling instead of writing. I now I am suppose to be writing, but I don't feel like it. Then again, I need a good grade. Maybe I should do it. I looked up. Louis was half awake.

I got out my phone and began to text him.

"Y so tired? I did nothin to u last night. ~Haz"

Louis jumped up. Everyone looked at him. He looked alerted. He kept twitching funny. I chuckled. Where did he put his phone? His underwear?

Louis sat back down and laid back. I kept staring at him as everyone continued working. I saw him causally slip his hand down his thigh. He un zipped his pants and un button them. I could myself growing hard as he rubbed himself. I began to jewel. He smirked and zipped and buttoned it his pants back up. He licked his lips.

"Harry?" He said. Everyone looked at me. I crossed my legs and shifted uncomfortably. "Y-Yes?" I stuttered. "Do u need to be excused for a moment?" Louis asked me, raising his eye brow. Some of my classmates giggled. I didn't know it was that funny. "N-No, I good." I said. Wait, what did I just say? Hell if I know. "U sure?" Louis motioned to the door. I shook my head quickly. He put his hand back down and stared at the clock. Was he trying to make me cum in class?


The bell went off. I was the last one to stand up.

As soon as everyone had left, I ran to Louis and sat of his lap with my legs wrapped around his waste. I smashed my lips to his. Our tongues danced. It was a rough kiss. Full of hunger.

I heard someone cough from behind me. I quickly broke the kiss. By Louis's reaction, it was a teacher or the principal. I got off of Louis's lap and turned around. It was Principal Damnsworth. She shoot me a smile. I thought she was going to be mad, I guess not. I smiled back and walked out awkwardly.

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