Ch.9- Something new

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A/N: hey sexy people! How's everyone doing? There's a picture to the side of Harry's drawing in the chapter. He didn't really draw least I don't think.

Love ya!

Oh, btw, I was listening to E.T. by Katy Perry when writing this. I thought it was pretty random.


Liam P.O.V

Better make pancakes before Louis and Harry wake up. Perfect time to make pancakes, 5 am.

Harry P.O.V

This morning, I woke up before Louis. Yeah buddy! I got up and walked to the kitchen.

"Morning Haz." Liam greeted. "Morning." I said. "U know what today is?" Liam asked. I can't tell if he is torching me or not. "Monday." I said, like it was nothing. "Yep and ur still in ur boxers." He pointed out. I looked down. "The problem is?" I asked as I sipped some tea. "U have less then an hour till school.

I jumped up and headed back to Louis's room. He was still a sleep. I didn't wake him. I just focused on getting my clothes then headed to the shower.

The warm water felt so good. I wish Louis was in here with me. I wonder why he didn't make a move last night?

Louis P.O.V

I woke up at 7:00. At first, I thought it was earlier so I didn't get up. Then I flipped over. Harry wasn't there. I jumped up from my bed and saw the time. Oh shit!

I jumped out of bed and began to put on my clothes like crazy. I ran down to the kitchen and stuffed my face with pancakes. "Good morning." Liam said cheerfully. "Morning, where's Harry?" I said in a rush.

"Right here." Harry walked in with his back pack. "Good, lets go." I said. I grabbed my brief case and ran out the door.


I sat down in my chair, relaxed. "Ur seemed relaxed now." Harry leaned against a random desk. "Ya...wait, shouldn't u be roaming the halls or something?"


"I've been in High School before, people talk."

"Oh. Then what about pick up?"

"Meet me here at the end of the day."

Harry nodded and ran out.

Moments pasted before the first bell rang. Everyone was chatting about their weekends. "Morning class. From all the talk, I am assuming that everyone had a great weekend." I said as I stood up. "I bet u had an extra special weekend." A boy, named Nathan, pointed out. Everyone looked over at Harry then at me. "Okay then." Was all I could manage. "He didn't deny it." Jessy whispered loudly. These dirty minded freaks.

"Since u all think I am hiding something or did something extra special over my weekend, today's writing assignment will be about just that." I explained as I passed out the notebooks. Everyone giggled and had the dirtiest looks. I have a feeling of what they will write.

Harry and I kept glancing up at each other. Luckily, no body noticed. Maybe a few, but not much.


The bell went off. "Please pass ur books up here and I will see u tomorrow." I said as each and everyone of them passed by. Even Harry passed by. Niall and Zayn were the last ones left. What do they want?

"Can I help u?" I asked as I picked up the first note book and scanned through it. "Did u do it?" Niall asked. I almost choked on air. "Did Liam put u up to that?" I asked. "No." Zayn answered. I put my head in my hands and tugged on my hair. "Did u?" Niall asked eagerly. "Do what exactly?"

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