Ch.2- Can I help u?

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Louis P.O.V

"Can I help u lads?" I didn't sound rude nor was I trying to sound strict. "We had a question." Zayn stated. "What may that question be?" I asked. "If we had a friend, who struggled in ur class, would u be willing to tutor him?" Niall asked. "Of course, I would." I have not the slightest idea of who they may be referring to. "That's great news!" Niall cheered as they both jumped around in circles and giggled like teenage girls. That's a bit weird.

"Anything else I can help u boys with?" I asked. "No, that was all. See u tomorrow Mr. T." Niall said cheerfully as they skipped off.

I walked back into the house and sat back down on the couch. "What did they want?" Liam came out of the kitchen eating some salad. "They had a question." Liam sat down beside me. "And they came to ur house to ask it?"


"Wow, u got some crazy students."

Okay, here's the friend part of our friend ship!


"Don't be sarcastic with me." I rolled my eyes at him. "What?"

"Some friend u r."

"Come on, ur telling me u weren't thinking the same thing?"

"U got me there, they were crazy enough to come to my house and asked such a question."

"What was the question?"

"If we had a friend, who struggled in ur class, would u be willing to tutor him?"

"Aren't they going to see u tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I wonder who they were referring to?"

"Maybe a friend of theirs."


"Do u have any more journals or books to correct?"

"No, why?"

"I just wanted to continue doing this." Liam smashed his lips to mine. Yeah, I think I can do this for the rest of the time being.

Harry P.O.V

I was laying on my bed and starring at the ceiling. How come school is so hard? I know, it's the beginning of the school year...but, I just don't know if I could do it. I still can't get over the fact that I already opened up to that teacher. What happens if he reads it? Maybe I just shouldn't worry about it, it's not like he reads them any ways.

"Harry, I'm home." My mother called from downstairs. "Kay!" I shouted back. I heard her walk up the stairs.

"Hey honey, how was school?" She asked as she sat beside me. "Good."

"Got any homework u need help with?"


"Really? I would have just have thought that maybe it's the first day and all that-"

"I would have have homework?"

"Well, that and maybe we could go out to eat."

"Uh, sure."

So, for the rest of my night, I spent it with my mom.

Zayn P.O.V

"Now we have great news to tell Harry!" Niall cheered. I have always loved seeing him smile. "Do u think he will be happy?" I asked as we walked to my place. "Of course he should!"

"What makes u say that?"

"Uh, hello?"

"Hello for what?"

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