Ch.16- The Baby!

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A/N: hey sexy people! I am speeding up the story to the day of the arrival.


Louis P.O.V

I was in the delivery room with Liam, Harry, Zayn, and Niall. I didn't know they let so many people in. The reason why they are with me is because they brought me. Self explanatory.

I was in the park...yes I went to the park...I decided to walk around. Not everyday people see a pregnant gay guy. Zayn and Niall were on a date...they recently began dating. Summer vacation started, so why not? Liam and Harry were jogging. I felt a kick and immediately sat down. Everyone was close by. They ran over as soon as they heard me groan. The baby kicked again. "Please bring me to the hospital." I groaned. I was in a lot of pain. They didn't question me. Liam drove me over there in a flash.

That's how I got here. My stomach cut open and pushing. I hate this pain. Why can't it be easier? "WHY ISN'T THIS BITCH COMING OUT?" I screamed. Harry set his hand on my should to try to calm me down. "Shhh, it will be over soon Boo. Just relax and push." He said, rubbing my hand. "How can I relax when there is a human being inside of me and won't come out?" i yelled at him.

"THREE...TWO...POP!" The doctor said. He was now holding my new child. I relaxed down on the bed and breathed heavily. How do girls do this? Zayn fainted on the ground as soon as the baby came out and Niall was worrying like I was going to the die. Liam was laughing awkwardly and Harry sat beside me. The doctor wrapped my son/daughter up in a blanket and handed him/her over to me.

"Congratulations on a beautiful baby boy." The doctor said. "What are we going to name him?" I asked Hazza. "How about...Jack?" Hazza suggested. "Love it!" I cheered.


"I hate being pregnant." I groaned and flopped on the couch as Harry brought Jack in. "Do you think we should move in together?" Harry asked, ignoring my groaning. Jack was a sleep in his carrier. Harry set him down on the coffee table. "Sure. Can Liam come?" I asked. "As long as Zayn and Niall can come to." he said. "As long as they don't fuck without protection or disturb us when were having our moments." I explained. "Oh brother." He rolled his eyes at me.

"What do you want to eat?" Harry asked me as he walked to the kitchen. "Edible food, you idiot." I shouted to him. "One, don't yell. Jackie is sleeping. Two, I thought you fixed that?" He walked in and sat on me. He wrapped his legs around my waist. "You will always be an idiot."

"But your my teacher and my old tutor. I thought I was smart?"

"I tutored you to be better at something. You are very smart, but your still an idiot for making me pregnant."

"Oh. I can live with that."

"I know you can. You didn't walk around school with a baby in your stomach."

"I know, you did."

"Can you just make me brownies?" I punched him playfully on the arm. "Not until you give me a kiss." He leaned close to me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him close. We went to a soft kiss to a full out rough snog. What is wrong with us?

"Now make me brownies." I ordered and broke the kiss. "Don't be that way." Harry pouted and walked into the kitchen. I leaned over at Jack. He was sleeping and sucking his thumb. He looked a lot like me, but had Harry's personality. Jack opened his eyes and looked at me. "Hey baby." I said in a motherly tone. He smiled at me. "Your name is Jack." I told him.

Harry came back in with brownies. I have no choice but to spend my entire life with Harry. "I love you." I said as he sat beside me. "I made you brownies." He handed me a plate of brownies. "I'm not even going to eat them." I said. "Why not?"

"You didn't say 'I love you' to me."

"I love you." Harry kissed my forehead.

"So, when do you want to move?" Harry asked me. "As soon as possible." I answered him with a kiss. "Can soon as possible be today? You guys really need to get a room." Liam groaned. Harry and I laughed. A start to a new beginning. How I love my little teachers pet!


A/N: hey sexy peeps! I hope you liked the ending. I wasn't sure how to end it.

Who thinks I should do another 'Babysitting One Direction' story? Please comment and say. I wouldn't mind. It was so much fun writing!

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