Ceo Becomes The New Husband (chapter-2)

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At the company:
Tae's pov: why can't i get that weird girl outta my head. Did she do some voodoo on me?? Goshhhhh!!!
Assistant Jung: Boss.... Boss.... Boss....!
Tae: Yes.. Yes.! Oh my god..! I'm not well.
Assistant Jung: But the meeting starts after 5 mins
Tae: you go ahead! I'll come now, i need to use the washroom..
Assistant Jung pov: My boss is very hard working. I really wanna be like him. He is young and talented. He is also the heart of every girls.
At the meeting(Kim jennie tries hard to seduce her boss)
Jennie: Awwww! Tae oppa you look handsome.
Tae: Kim Jennie!!!! This is not you house,!!! This is my office!!! Even if you don't have manners learn how to respect ur boss!!
(meeting ends after an hour)
Y/n's pov: Why is Nancy so rude and acts weird around me..
Lisa: Hey y/n.! Had your lunch?
Y/n: Yes!
Rosé: Y/n! Lisa! Come quick to the c-section a patient is about to give birth
(At the c-section)
Y/n: where's the doctor? The patient is suffering!
Lisa: Doctor Jisoo!!!! Come quick we need you!
Jisoo: I'm stuck on a traffic jam
Lisa: The patient is dying! What should we do???!
Y/n: yahh..! Lisa...!Head nurse! Stop panicking!!! I learned some of this stuff while i was graduating.!!!!
Rosé: Y/n..... Are you sure??? Are you sure you can do this???
Y/n: Yes!! Trust me.... We cannot wait for Jisoo... Both the mother and the child will die!!!
(After two hours)
Lisa: Don't worry..! You can do it!! Push harder!!!!!
Y/n: Breathe in.... Breathe out..
( Head nurse 'Rosé' faints)
*Half an hour later the baby comes out, both mother and child survives*
Lisa treats Rosé.. She wakes after 15mins
Rosé: Oh my God!!! Y/n you did it!!! I'm so proud of you!!!!
Y/n: We had no other choice.. Hehee..
Lisa: Y/n you've really become my new role model!
(Nancy jumps in)
Nancy: OMG!! Y/n delivered a baby??!! This is a crime,!!! She doesn't have the qualifications for a doctor, she's not eligible... She's just an interned nurse!
Rosé: NANCY!!!! Go do your work! We don't need your opinion!!!
(Jisoo comes in)
Jisoo: who's y/n?? Where's y/n???
Y/n: It's me.. Park y/n..
Jisoo: Come.. Let me give you a hug.. You saved my day..
Y/n: It's nothing.. I got to do it..
(Y/n leaves the building after an hour)
*she goes shopping, bought some groceries and went to her department*

Guyss.! I hope you're enjoying my fan fiction 😊 i got many errands to run so i might be a little late in uploading the rest of the chapters.. Enjoy reading..! ❤️

CEO becomes the New Husband ~Kim Taehyung~ ✔️Where stories live. Discover now