Ceo Becomes The New Husband Chapter-18

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A/N: Hey Guyss, I'm very sorry for the late update, I've been taking tests and doing assignments and was kinda busy.. Thank you all for 3K reads.. I'm so glad that many are liking the story and reading it.. Thank you so much..! 💜

Jk's pov: I couldn't stop thinking about Y/n so I head out to the Maxwell Bar, which is open 24×7. As I was gulping down some whiskey, a figure came and sat beside me..

???? : Heyy..
Jk: May I know you?
????: Sure.. I'm Hwang Hyunjin, and you are??
Jk: Jeon Jungkook..
Hyunjin: Excuse me, two shots of whiskey please..
Hyunjin: Here.. And tell me what brought you here, at this hour? (Smirks)
Jk: I should be asking you the same question.
Hyunjin: I come here often, I don't have a particular reason..
Jk: Ohhh alright..
Hyunjin: Break up??? (smirks)
Jk: Nahhh.. The girl that I like, loves someone else, and I was the one who handed her to that man. (Regrets in his eyes)
Hyunjin: That's sad buddy, why don't you steal her then? (Smirks)
Jk: Nahhh. Both of them loves each other, I don't wanna interfere..
Hyunjin: Sure bud.. Take it your way.. Anyways, I'm gonna take a leave, here.. Keep my card,(winks) call me anytime you need me.. (smirks and walks away)
Third person pov: After about half an hour, Jungkook walks home too, since he was too drunk he left the car there..
It was 8 in the morning when both the Kim couples woke up had their breakfast and left for work.

In the car:
Tae: Don't stress yourself a lot at work alright.
Y/n: Suree.. Don't worry.. Btw,when will you return from work?
Tae: Around 3 in the afternoon and we have a business party at 5'o clock, and you are invited too..
Y/n: Suree.. I'll be home early today.. I don't have the evening shift, so I'll be ready in time (shows a thumbs up)
Tae: Okay sure.. I'll see you later then..
Y/n: Okayy.. Byee..
Tae: Babe...
Y/n: Yeahh??
Tae: Should I pick u up after work?? You don't have ur car too..
Y/n: Nahhh.. It's alright.. I'll get a cab..
Tae: Don't worry.. I'll ask one of the employee to bring ur car.. (Such a wife spoiler🤭)
Y/n: Awww.. Suree, thanks..
Third person pov:
Taehyung's car soeeds away after that, nothing special happened at the hospital today, Y/n was getting ready to go home since her shift ended. Just then, her BMW car pulls up in the hospital's entrance and the man in suit who was driving the car walks away giving the keys to her, she gets into the car and goes home..
Y/n's pov: We have enough groceries at home, Tae told me that he'll get me the dress, the maids would've cleaned the apartment.. Goshhhh.. I'll die out of boredomness like this.. Just then I reach home, change into my pyjamas and get cozy in bed.. I'll just sleeo for some time the party would sure be tiring..

After some few hours:
*Knock knock*
Y/n: The room is open.. Come in.
Maid1: Ohhh.. I'm sorry young madam, I didn't knew you were sleeping..
Y/n: It's alright.. I was gonna wake up now..
Maid1: Here, one of the employee from Mr Kim's company brought you this..
Y/n: Ohhh.. Thank you..
Y/n's pov: Why would an employee gift me?? Let me open it first... There was a beautiful dress(which I will reveal later🤭) and a letter..

    Y/n, I won't be home at 3pm, I'm sorry, there are lots of work in the company that is to be done today, I personally picked this dress for you, I hope you like it.. I'll be there in 5 sharp,so be ready and wait for me..
    I Love you Baby..

Y/n: Awwww.. Such a wife spoiler, I love the dress.. And this will perfectly fit me..
Y/n's pov: It was 3 in the afternoon, I ate some snacks that the cook made, and I started to get ready.. I first took a good 45 mins long shower and wore the dress that Tae bought:

I lightly curled my hair, put on makeup and now I'm ready, waiting for Tae in the living room

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I lightly curled my hair, put on makeup and now I'm ready, waiting for Tae in the living room..

Tae: Heyy Babe.......... WOOOWWWW................ (Stares in shock)
Y/n: Hi.................... Ahemmm........ (still no response) KIM TAEHYUNG!!!!
Tae: Ohhh.. Yess.. What? Ahemm..
Y/n: Awww.. (laughs)
Tae: You look amazingly gorgeous baby.. Can't get my eyes off you..
Y/n: Thanks (smirks) you look handsome too my beloved husband.. (does some aegyo)

15 mins later, at the party:
Tae's pov: Everybody is staring at y/n, I fucking wanna rip their eyes out.. UGGHHHH... And Jungkook too... Ughhhh..
Jk's pov: Y/n looks stunning, I've never seen her in that way, y'all might be wondering how I'm in this party, well actually I own an entertainment corporation..
I'm sitting at the edge of the bar, then suddenly someone taps my shoulder..
Jk: Heyy..
Hyunjin: Hey dude..
Jk: How you here??
Hyunjin: I own the Hwang Corporation, and ofc CEO Hwang Hyunjin (winks)
Jk:(In shock) OMG... I didn't knew, last time i was too drunk, hehee.. Let me introduce myself nicely, I'm Jeon Jungkook, CEO and owns the Jeon Entertainment corporation.. (smirks)
Hyunjin: I know.. Recently i heard of you becoming the CEO.. (smirks)
BTW...? Is that the girl? (smirks)

CEO becomes the New Husband ~Kim Taehyung~ ✔️Where stories live. Discover now