Ceo Becomes The New Husband (Chapter-17)

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Y/n's pov: I wake up to the light shinning right on my face.. I checked the time, and Goshhhhh I over slept.
Y/n: It's 10:00 in the morning.. Goshhhhh.. Tae must've already left..

Y/n gets into the shower, did her morning routine and went to the kitchen to get breakfast..

Y/n's pov: I get into the kitchen and saw a sticky note on the fridge, it said:
Honey, breakfast is on the table and don't worry about cleaning the house, the maids will arrive at around 11, I love you.. Take care.!

Y/n: Goshhh. He is such a spoiler, he didn't even woke me uo. I love you too Tae.
Like Tae said, the maids arrived exactly at 11, y/n haf just finished with breakfast, when she was greeted by the cook, three maids and the gardener.
Y/n: Welcome back guys. (smiles)
All: Nice to see you Mrs Kim
Y/n: Ohh.. Btw.. I've to see a friend today, so I'll get ready, please take care of the house..
Maid1: Sure Mrs Kim.
(she walks away)
Maid 2: She is so pretty..
Maid 1: I heard that she is cold hearted, but it doesn't seem like that, right?
Maid 2: Yeahh.. She is so sweet..
Maid 3: You two,stop gossiping and get to work

30 mins later, y/n waits for Jk in the living room, just then the door bell rang.
Y/n's pov : I was sitting in the couch waiting for Kookie since he tld me he'd pick me up, when the door bell rang, one of the maid went to open the door showing the amazing, toned figurr, none other than Jeon Jungkook.
Maid2: Hello Sir Jeon, would you like to eat something?
Jk: (smiles) No, thanks..
Jk: Y/n.. Let's get going..
Y/n: Suree.. Byee everyone..
Y/n's pov: I already texted Tae, that I'd be hanging out with Jk, and later visit his office, does Jk really needs to bring his Lamborghini??
Jk: What?? (flicks her forehead)
Y/n: Won't your car attract attention??
Jk: That's alright.. We can manage..
Y/n: (Blank Face) I hope so..
20 mins later, they reached their destination..
Y/n: Woww.. Amusement park??
Jk: Of course.. (smiles and winks)
Y/n: Good taste..
Jk: Yeahh.. I thought so too.. Since you're a kid..
Y/n: Whattt???
Jk: Pretend you didn't hear anything.. (winks and then laughs hard)
Y/n: Ughh.. Enough talks, let's explore
Jk: Suree..
They started exploring the park, riding different rides, both y/n and Jk were adventurous so rides were not a problem, they even played games and ofc Jk being Jk tried to impress Y/n by winning her gifts and toys from different game stores. An hour passed by just then:
Ring.. Ring..
Y/n: Heyyy..
Tae: Babee.. You still with Jk??
Y/n: Yeahh.. Wanna join?
Tae: Sure.. Where are you guys.?
Y/n: Amusement park..
Tae: Be there in 10 minutes..
Ends call*
Y/n: Uhmmm.. Kookie??
Jk: Yeah.??
Y/n: Tae is gonna come too..
Jk: Finally.... I'm not gonna be the only one stuck with this kid.. (flicks her forehead)
Y/n: Ohh.. PL.. EA.. SE..!
Jk's pov: I was kinda upset tok, but Taehyung is her husband, so.. Ughhhh.. Idk what's happening to me..
      As I was walking with Y/n, I see a figure approaching us, which I was not expecting that early..
Y/n: Heyy babe..
Tae: Hey hon.. Hey Jk.. How is ur hand btw?
Jk: It's better.. (smiles)
Tae: Ohh.. Okayy..
Tae: Uhmm... Lots of gifts huh.? (smirks at Y/n)
Y/n: Of course.. My man Kookie won all this for me.. (Stands tall proudly)
Tae: Let me win you some too..(Intervenes hands with Y/n)
Y/n: Suree.. (smirks)

30 mins passed by, Jk and Taehyung tried their best to impress Y/n by winning gifts, Y/n was just standing there holding all the gifts the two guys won for her, she also gave some of her gifts to the kids she was passing by, it was really awkward..
Y/n: Guyysss. Enough playing.. I got many..
Tae: You sure.??
Y/n: Of course Hon.. Let's go eat now..
Tae & Jk: Suree..
In the restaurant :

Tae: Waiter.. Excuse me. Uhhh.. We'll have... Japchae, Samgyeopsal and Bulgogi, with that three strawberry milkshakes..
"Strawberry milkshake was surprisingly their fav drinks"
Jk's pov: I feel like the third wheel, like seriously.. Taehyung and Y/n are doing their PDA and I'm just like sitting here like a fool.. Just then the food arrives and we dig in like hungry little kids, we are actually heavy eaters tbh, I took few glances at Y/n, she sure is beautiful but there is something that attracts me to her.. I guess I'm falling in love with her.. Goshhh.. What am I thinking.. No way.. Never.. Not Y/n..!

Y/n: Kookie...? Why is ur cheeks red?? Is the food that spicy??
Jk: Yeah.. Kinda.. Hahaa.. (looks awayl
Jk's pov: Goshhhh.. Was I blushing.?? Goshh! JEON JUNGKOOK STOP IT!!! WOOOHHHHH!!

All this time Taehyung was just sitting there quietly observing everything..30 mins later, they were done with food and dispersed..
Jk took his Lamborghini and since Taehyung brought his Bugatti, of course Y/n went with Tae, they reached their apartment in no time, both of them took a shower and were ready for bed.

Tae: Babee. (spoons her🤭)
Y/n: Yeahh.??
Tae: Don't hang out with Jk anymore...
Y/n: Whyy? Jealous? (smirks)
Tae: Somehow, because I don't wanna share Mrs Kim Y/N! Call me selfish but what's mine is mine (kisses her head) Goodnight..
Y/n: Aww.. Good night.. (smiles +blushes)
Tae's pov: I'm sorry Y/n.. But my instincts say that Jungkook has developed some type of feelings for you.. And I got you with so much difficulty, I don't ever wanna lose you.. You don't know how much I love you and how much you mean to me KIM Y/N!

Meanwhile :
Jk's pov: Goshhhh! Y/N!!! I can't get this girl outta my head..!! I've completely fallen for her, but I'm not gonna interfere in both Taehyung and Y/n's lives, it's just gonna be a one-sided love, that I know..

A/N: Finalllyyyy... I'm so sorry for the late update, been busy with school works, I hope you guys understand 😊 Enjoy this Chapter too, please vote, comment and don't forget to recommend and leave feedbacks ofc😊 Thank you all for your loves, votes and support.! Never thought I'd get this much reads on my story.. So a massive thank you to y'all❤️

CEO becomes the New Husband ~Kim Taehyung~ ✔️Where stories live. Discover now