Ceo Becomes The New Husband (Chapter-15)

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The Big Day
Tae's pov: Today's the big day.. I really want to go there and stop the wedding but if i do that then Jk's father will kill Y/n and i cannot afford to lose Y/n.
Y/n's pov: Taehyung is such a bastard.! No texts! No calls! I cannot believe this guy! Does he even love me or not???!
Mrs Park: Y/N.........! Y/n...!!
Y/n: WHATTTT?!!!
Mrs Park: The stylist and make up artist are here!.
Y/n: The door is open!!
1 hour later.. Y/n walks out of the room as the most beautiful lady on earth. But she didn't had a smile on her face..
Mrs Park: Y/n.! Goshhhh... You look beautiful!.
Y/n: But mom... I'm not happy...
Mrs Park: You got no other choice but to marry him..
Y/n: Why Mom?? Whyy?? Why this??
Mrs Park: I can't tell.. I really can't tell.. I'm not allowed to utter a word abt it..
(Jk's father was an ex mafia, one of the biggest mafias in SK.. They made this deal inorder to save Mr Park from poverty as he had a lot of debts to pay to Mr Jeon)
Jk's Pov: I really wish I can stop this thing.. I don't wanna come between Taehyung and Y/n.. I don't wanna ruin Y/n's life.. If only Taehyung comes and crashes the wedding.. But this won't happen as he won't risk Y/n's life.

The time reached, jungkook stood tall in the alter with his Navy blue suit, Y/n walking down the aisle with her father.. She was hoping that Taehyung would come any moment and take her away, but he didn't..
Priest: Do you Mr Jeon Jungkook take Park Y/n as your wife.?
Jk: Yes, I do..
Priest: Do you Park Y/n take Jeon Jungkook as ur husband?
Y/n: ...................
"Bammm.!! The main door opens with a bang.. Everybody was shocked.. To their surprise it was KIM TAEHYUNG!" 😄
Tae: Y/n!!! (breathes heavily)
Y/n: (With tears) Tae... (says softly).
Mr Jeon: (Takes out a gun and points at Tae) We got a new guest huh? (smirks)
Jk: Dad....! Waitttt.... This is wrong.!!.
Y/n: Mr Jeon... Please... Leave him alone.... I'll marry your son..!
Tae: No!! Y/n you're mine! You can't marry him
Y/n: Shut up Kim Taehyung! I love him not you! (Crying).
Tae: (Forms tears) Y/n....... (falls down in knees)
Jk: Y/n.!! STFU!! You don't love me! You love him!
Mr Jeon: Stop this drama!! (pulls trigger)
"Y/n runs towards Taehyung and hugs him.. Meanwhile the bullet hit Jungkook as he came in the right way in time.. Luckily the bullet hits his arm".
Y/n: Jungkook..! Are you dumb??!! Why did you?? (tears her veil and wraps his arm)
Jk: Y/n.... Don't worry... I'm okayy..
Mr Jeon: Son....I'm sorry... I didn't meant to shoot you..
Jk: Dad... Please.. Let them get married.. They love each other a lot.. Please... At least for me..
Mr Jeon: (Takes a long pause) I'm sorry son... Do whatever you want.. (leaves the marriage hall)
Jk: (Turns to Y/n) Hey kid... You can marry Taehyung now.. (smiles)
Y/n:(With tears hugs him) TYSM Jungkook... Tysm for everything.!
Jk: Hey kid.. Stop being cringy  .. Go marry him..(laughs)
Y/n: (Smiles) Can i please play your song Euphoria? When i enter?? (Jk composes songs 🙄)
Jk: Do you need to ask.? Of course yes.!
Tae: Jk Tysm for everything.! Call me anytime if u need me.. I'll be there that instant. Idk how to repay you..
Jk: Don't worry bro.. I got an extra suit btw.. Go dress up.. (smiles)
Tae: Suree.. Thanks (smiles)
After 30 mins Y/n Walks down the aisle again but this time Kim Taehyung standing on the alter..

(You can imagine your own wedding dress 🤗)Priest: Do you Mr Kim Taehyung take Park Y/n as your wife??Tae: I've already made her my wife from the day i started loving her (everyone laughs softly)

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(You can imagine your own wedding dress 🤗)
Priest: Do you Mr Kim Taehyung take Park Y/n as your wife??
Tae: I've already made her my wife from the day i started loving her (everyone laughs softly).
Priest: Do you Miss Park Y/n take Kim Taehyung as your husband?
Y/n:................ (takes a long time).......(smiles) I do..
Priest: You may kiss your bride..
They kissed passionately, the wedding was a grand one, everyone enjoyed..
At night in Tae's Apartment :
(Coz the author is lazy.. Lol)
Y/n: Why did you came back??
Tae: I couldn't give u to someone else

Tae: Urghhhh.!!! PARK Y/N..!!! (screams)
I can't get you out of my headddd.!!
*Knock knock* Tae opens the door..
Asst Jung: Boss.. Let's go..
Tae: Not today.. I'm going tomorrow..
Asst Jung: I know everything and i got a big back up.. Y/n will be save..
Tae: Really??
Asst Jung: Yes.! Let's go! Trust me!
Tae: Suree!
(End of flashback).
Tae: So that's what happened!
Y/n: If it wasn't for him, would you still come back??
Tae: I should have.. One way or the other.. (kisses forehead).
Y/n: Awwww.. I love you..
Tae: I love you more...
    Time lapses (Lazy author)

A/N: So that's how the wedding went, Everything was just fine before the wedding, partly🙄 but the REAL drama, The REAL twists begins in the coming chapters.! Stay tuned my lovely readers.! And tysm for a lot of reads, likes and comments.. Please recommend it to others as well 😁
Have a great day/life/year.. Love Author Potato🥔❤️

CEO becomes the New Husband ~Kim Taehyung~ ✔️Where stories live. Discover now