Ceo Becomes The New Husband (Chapter-26)

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Tae's pov: We arrive at the location where Jungkook is hiding with Y/n and his men, it's like 3 in the morning, we don't wanna do anything wrong which would later turn out to be a disadvantage for us, we were now getting off patiently from the submarines..
Mark: Tae.. You know what to do right?? Taeyong and his men will go the other side, You'll go this way with your men and I'll take care over here..
Tae: Yeahh.. I know what to do..I'll get going..

Jk's Pov: Mann.! Why is Taehyung taking this long?? I thought he'll come as soon as he knew about Y/n's kidnapping, anyways I'm well prepared, I know who got his back, but i really don't know why?!
Anyways I go down to the kitchen to get some water, I'm having a weird feeling actually, I think Taehyung must be coming sooner or later without wasting anytime I called all my men for a meeting,..

Mark: Guysss, does Jungkook knows that we're here?? I mean there's no men around where I am,
Tae: Yeahhhh... I noticed that too there's literally nobody here..
Taeyong: Here too man.! I guess he found out be careful guys, and keep updating infos using this earpieces...

Suddenly, a man cleared his throat, I could see that there were speakers everywhere, the man started talking from the speakers,
Jk: My man Tae.... I thought you'd come earlier than this, but never mind... Hahahahhaa.... If you want Y/n...... Come to the back of this mansion... And do know that I can See You All! (Emphasising the last words)
Jk's pov: So you came, finally.! And now I know who got your back! Its gonna be fun Kim Taehyung!! I cannot wait to see you die in front of Y/N and make her mine!
Hj: So, he got the support from them huh? (smirks) they're quite dangerous though!
Jk: I know, but we're no less..

Mark: Guyss, did you heard that??
Tae&Taeyong: Yesss....
Mark: Wait for me, I'm coming too, we should stick together..
Taeyong: Yeahh... I don't think that's a bad idea..
Just after some time, Mark arrives and heads to the back of the mansion..
Tae's pov: As we walking towards the desired destination, my heart dropped, I saw that Y/n had bruises all over her body and was tied to a pole, I couldn't believe that Jungkook did this to her!!
Tae: You fucking bastard!! How dare you touch my wife!!! (takes out his gun)
Jk: Wow wow wow, calm ya ass down dude, chill or she dies (smirks)
Hj: So?? NCT huh? (smirks)
Mark: We meet again Mr Hwang (smirks).
Jk: I didn't knew you had NCT to guide you back Mr Kim Taehyung (smirks)

Tae's pov: I had a business trip to Canada, as I was busily working in the office in Canada, a man comes in
Man: Uhh, Kim Taehyung??
Tae: Yeahh?? You must be our dealer?? Mr Song right??
Mr Song: Yeahhh... So, should we start??
Tae: sure..
(I really had a weird feeling about this guy, he suddenly wanted to pair up with me, I don't know why he doesn't seem right)
Mr Song: So, As I was saying, I need you to invest in our company, we really need money..
Tae: But why should I?? I need to know the pros and cons, I can't just invest my money over useless things..
Mr Song: Okay, so if you invest in our company, we're gonna bring illegal weapons to Canada and we both can rule over this country, Not only that but if we defeat the biggest gang in this country we get to rule over whole North America, how does that sound? (smirks)
Tae: I'm sorry to tell you Mr Song, but I'm not that Kim Taehyung you know, anymore, I have a family now, I don't wanna get involved in all this shitty stuffs, so you can find someone else.. Thank you for the visit, you may leave..
Mr Song: You will regret this, I'll leave the deal open until you leave the country....

Tae's pov: What an asshole, I'm not gonna waste a penny on useless things, I got tired from all the work, so I got out of the office to get some coffee, I saw Mr Song busily talking on the phone, I know that he is into no good, and if he actually rules the country it's gonna be real hard, but that's not a problem to me, I get back to office and start with my works..
It's already 11pm, I talked with Y/n half an hour ago, she must be asleep, I should get back to my hotel too..
As I was driving, I saw that there's a big commotion going on across the street,
I just happen to pass that street too.. As I was heading there I saw that Mr Song and his men have held an old lady captive, wtf man.! Is he really that an asshole that he is using an innocent helpless old lady, I didn't wanted to get involved but I had no choice but to save that poor granny...
I studied the area first, there were not much men, the plan must've been somewhere else, I guessed that they just captured this old granny now, I put the silencer on my gun, I get out of my car swiftly, the two men guarding were no match to me, I didn't even need to use my gun on them..

I studied the area first, there were not much men, the plan must've been somewhere else, I guessed that they just captured this old granny now, I put the silencer on my gun, I get out of my car swiftly, the two men guarding were no match to me, I ...

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The coast was clear as of now, I had six bullets in my gun, and six men inside I can't miss any..
I get inside and then, boom two men down, quietly I progress to where the lady was captive, Mr Song mercilessly slapped the lady, I cannot let them see me or else I might get myself and the lady in trouble, I seriously cannot believe this jerk, as I was hiding behind some metal scrapes, a man walked passing my hiding spot this was my chance I shot him down swiftly, three more to go, as I was progressing, without further a do I shot both the two men leaving Mr Song alone, Of course he noticed me,..
Mr Song: Who do we have here?? (laughs evily)
Tae: Leave that poor lady alone..
Mr Song: Awww... Kim Taehyung now being the soft-hearted, look, if you don't want yourself in trouble, leave me be..
Tae: I ain't leaving without that lady..
Mr Song: Oh my dear lovely Taehyung, why are you putting yourself in trouble for an Old useless lady you don't even know..
Tae: Let her go Mr Song!!
Just then..
........ : Well, well, well, Mr Song!! Not so fast you bastard!! You thought we wouldn't know huh???
Mr Song: (Points gun to the old woman's head) Leave us alone or she dies, and sign the papers here, hand over Canada to me Mark Lee..!!
Mark: Oh my Gawwddd! Please don't hurt my Granny, Please just don't (Mr Song smirks) I'll sign the papers right away, you can have my men as well just leave my Granny alone, she's the most precious thing in my life...
Mr Song: Good, you realised quite quick..
Mark: Hahahhahaaha.. You thought I was gonna say those words, hhahaha Mr Song really?? You do know me well right?? Hahhaha... You're dead bastard!!
Just then Mr Song's men comes in..
It was a whole chaos, men and bullets everywhere...
Tae took the chance and freed the old lady..
And went ahead to fight the men, but NCT seemed to be very strong as compared to the opposition..
Just then Mr Song caught our attention...
Mr Song: I'll shoot her if you come any closer...!
Mark was not one to listen so he advanced towards Mr Song and boom! He pressed the trigger and went straight towards the old lady...
Mark: Grannnnnyyyyyyy!!!!!
Taeyong: You Bastard!!!!
Mr Song ran away with his car taking the chance to..
Mark's Granny: Young man.!!! Are you okayy??
Tae: Yeahhh... Thanks.. Hahaa.. Ouuuuhhh.. Just hurts a bit.. Hahaa..
Mark: I owe you man.! My Granny is very precious, you saved a diamond!! I don't know how to pay you back... I'll be there anytime you need me so don't hesitate alright! And for that bastard Mr Song, Taeyong caught him so no worries he is gonna suffer!!(clenches his fists)
Tae: Mann! Just do me a favour and save me from my wife's wrath, she sure will be mad at this point, by this arm....
Mark: Hahahha.. Sure my man... But call me anytime I can be a help to you..
~End of flashback~

A/N: Heyyy guyss, I'm back with another chapter, hope you guys enjoy this too😁😁 Stay safe and healthy! Take care y'all 💜💜 Saranghae💜💜💜

CEO becomes the New Husband ~Kim Taehyung~ ✔️Where stories live. Discover now