Ceo Becomes The New Husband (Chapter-9)

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Rose: Y/N.!!!! Y/N..!!!! (screaming down the hall)
Tae's pov: What the heck happened?? I should check it out.!
Y/n: Yess..!! I'm here!!! What happened?!
Rose: Run up to the top terrace..! QUICKK.!!!
Y/n: Whyy???
Rose: GO..! JUST GO..! QUICK...! (panicking)
Y/n: Okay.! Okay.!
Tae: What the heck happened??
Rose: Come with me Mr Kim.. To the hospital garden..
Tae: Okay..
At the terrace:
Y/n sees the scene of Jungkook standing on the edge
Y/n: JEON JUNGKOOK.!!! What the heck do you think you're doing.??!!
Jk: Ohhhh.. Hey Y/n..! (smiles)
Y/n: Don't "Hey" me.!! What the hell are you doing at the edge??!!
Jk: Enjoying the fresh air (smiles again)I'm gonna miss all of this....
Y/n: Shut up..!!!! And come here at once.!!!
Jk: All my life, people close to me ordered and used me as a puppet, all this years.. But today I'm not gonna listen to anyone's orders or anything..
Y/n: I'm sorry.. But please come down.! I beg you..! We can talk it out.!
At the garden:
Rose: DON'T JUMP..! (Panicking)
Nancy: Oppa please don't..! I can be your girlfriend.!
Lisa: Please don't.!
Tae's Pov: Oh my Goshh..! This Nancy bitch..! I'm scared for y/n, what if that psychopath harms y/n
Tae runs up to the terrace, although his leg was bad..
At the terrace:
Jk: Y/n Tysm for making me laugh today... I haven't did that for a long time.. All my life, i was sad and depressed..
Y/n: Wtf..!!! Come here at once.!
Tae: (out of the blue) HEY..! YOU PSYCHOPATH..! STOP THIS DRAMA AND COME DOWN.!! (comes and stands next to Y/n)
Jk: Guys...chill..! I'm not gonna jump..!
Y/n: As if..! I don't believe you..
Tae: Come down..
Jk: Finee....!
Jungkook comes down and walks towards Y/n
Jk: Hey..! Miss Kid.! I gotta talk to you.!
Y/n: Okayy.. Whatever.. I'm not a kid..
Tae: What just happened?? (poker face).
Jk: Hey... Can you please leave us alone for sometime.?? I wanna talk with her alone...
Tae: Okay....! But only on some conditions..
Jk: And wat is that?
Tae: Maintain distance with her, Do not touch her..! ( looks at y/n)  Bye Baby.! I'll see you outside then..(looks at Jk) she's mine.!! (smirks)
Jk: Okay boss., (smirks)
*Y/n standing still with a blank face*

A/n: Guyys..i just wanted to know if y'all like this fan fiction or not...
Please do give ur feedbacks..!

CEO becomes the New Husband ~Kim Taehyung~ ✔️Where stories live. Discover now