Ceo Becomes The New Husband (Chapter-7)

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Tae reading informations about y/n
Tae's pov: Goshh..!! She did a surgery without experience and even delivered a baby??she's a naturally born genius. Let's see....... Her parents lives abroad. She has a younger brother.. Age 21...oh..she looks much younger than her age.. But her attitude is of 60 year old lady... Graduated from a medium university... Uhmm.. Not bad...
(he kept reading n thinking about her the whole night)
Next morning in the hospital, a new patient was admitted in Room 107, Name: Jeon Jungkook
Rosé: Hey... Y/n after you're done with the patient in room 106 could u please check on room 107????
Y/n: Okay.. I will do.. But what happened to the other nurses??
Rosé: Y/n you're direct and open, the other nurses gets nervous and often makes mistakes..
Y/n: Ohh.. Okay... I understand..
Y/n's Pov: Aishhh...! Why this girls gets nervous around good looking guys...?!
Y/n enters Room 106:
Y/n: So... Mr Kim Taehyung....
Tae: (Looks up happily after hearing the familiar voice) Yes... Park Y/n.??
Y/n: Feeling better???
Tae: Yes.. Much better( smiles)
Y/n: That's good news, you can get discharged earlier..
Tae: Whatt.??. NO..!
Y/n: No????
Tae: Yes..!! I don't wanna go back to work.. I wanna stay here, with u around..!
Y/n: Tae you can't stay here forever... This is a hospital..
Tae: Did u just called me Tae?? (shocked)
Y/n: Yes... So??
Tae: Weird...
Y/n: Don't u call me by my half name???
Tae: Yeah..! But not expected from u.. Hehe...
Y/n: Okay.. Anyways i gotta go...
Tae: Go wear??.
Y/n: I've to see another patient in the next room..
Tae: What about the other nurses.?
Y/n: They get nervous.. Duhhh!! (laughs)
Tae's pov: She looks so pretty when she laughs or even if she smiles.. I've totally fallen for her..
Y/n: So... See you in the evening..
Tae: Aishh.. Okay..
Y/n in Jungkook's room:
Jk: Leave me alone!!
Y/n: Whyy??
Jk: I want to stay alone.!
Y/n: Hey... I don't wanna get fired alright... I'm doing my job..
Jk: Whatever...!
Y/n: Show me the wound...let me dress it up
Jk's pov: She sure is cold..! Very cold...!
Y/n: You freaking tried to cut ir wrist?? Young people this days....
Jk: What do u mean young people.??
Y/n: Yes... Young people suiciding and stuffs for their so called love ones..
Jk: Hey...! I'm not one of those boys alright... This happened because of some other reason..
Y/n: What reason??
Jk: Why should i say??
Y/n: Okay don't... Here eat this medicine.. I've completed dressing the wound...
Jk: Okay..
Y/n: Take rest after eating the medicine..
Ymn leaves and takes Taehyung for a walk in the garden..
*Time passes by
Taehyung felt deeper for Y/n as the time passed by... He was the strong cold boss in one of the biggest company in South korea... But felt weak in front of Y/n he couldn't stop smiling when he was with her.. It was a new amazing feeling.. However he didn't had the courage to confess it to her..

CEO becomes the New Husband ~Kim Taehyung~ ✔️Where stories live. Discover now