Ceo Becomes The New Husband (Chapter-27)

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Jk: The biggest gang in Canada or maybe one of the biggest and dangerous gang in the world wants to die from my hands huh?? (smirks)
Tae: Jungkook... We can settle this! Just give me back my Y/n and you can have my everything! You can take over my company as well!
Jk: Nahhh man! I don't need your company or property or money or anything! I only want Y/n (smirks) and I already got her so y'all can kindly leave..
Tae: Don't you dare touch her Jeon Jungkook!!
Jk: What will you do?? Kill me? Beat the heck outta me?? Look my man, I got Y/n here and if you dare do anything she dead.! (smirks)
Tae: I know you can't kill her so stop with your bullshit!!
Jk: Yeahhh! Got that right! But I can die with her... She dies I die, we die together (smirks)
Tae: That's enough!!!
Third person's pov: Tae runs towards Jk and lands a punch on him, he falls face first on the ground.. Just then Jk's men comes out and the awaited war between the two powerful gangs begun, there were bullets everywhere, men dying, smoke in the air! Tae takes the chance and tries to free Y/N but ofc Jungkook won't allow that, he pulls Taehyung back and start a fist match!
Y/n's pov: While they are busy with their fightings let me take this opportunity and free myself from here, and probably help Tae too... When I was trying to untie my rope which was fixed to the pole, I sensed someone trying to untie it too, as I turned back...... Hwang Hyunjin????
HJ: Baby girl, now I got what I want, it's time for us to leave (winks and smirks).
Y/n: Wtf do you want Hyunjin??!!
Hj: You Babygirl...
Y/n: Leave me alone!! You're dead if they finds out!!
Hj: They're too busy!
Third person's Pov:
Hyunjin untied Y/N and was ready to leave the island sneakily, just then someone spots them.
Man: Heyyyyyy!!! Bosss! Hyunjin is taking young madam!
Tae: You fucking don't move from that spot, You fucking jerk!!!
Hj: So what?? You're gonna kill me huh??. (Points a gun on Y/n's temples)
Jk: Wtf Hyunjin???!! Leave her alone! Wtf do you want!??!
Hj: Hahhahaa! You Idiot! You really thought I was helping you huh?? All I wanted was Y/n!! I had my eyes on her for a very long time now! I was just using you to get to her! Hahhaha! What an idiot!
Jk: You fucking jerk!!! Leave her alone! ISTG I'll fucking shoot you!!
Hyunjin: Go ahead man! You shoot me, Y/n dies.. (smirks)
If anyone follows me or tries to harm me, Y/n dies! You get that bastards!!!!
Mark: Hyunjin! You fucking bastard!
(Mark was about to shoot him but Taehyung stops him)
HJ: Good..! (smirks) learn something from him! (smirks)
Tae's Pov : I was so helpless, I can't risk Y/n's life, I need to do something quick.! Ohhh wait..! The only way Hyunjin can get out of this island is by either ship, submarine or a helicopter! Ohh yeahhhh.
Tae: Mark.! Did your men arrive in their jets???
Mark: Yeahhh... They're around the island!
Tae: Tell them to destroy every helicopters that are in this island!.
Mark: Got it!
Without wasting a second, Mark orders his men to shoot all the choppers!
HJ's pov: Ohhhh... So they wanna play dirty huh?? I called my men to pick me up from this island as all the choppers were destroyed! I can't take this situation lightly I need to do something..!
Jk: Stop right there Hwang Hyunjin!!!
Hj: You know I'm capable of killing this girl here, right?!
Jk: Try doing that and you're dead!.
Hyunjin had a knife he pierced the knife inside Y/n's neck a little, and it bleed!
Jk: You fucking bastard! Leave her alone and fight me like a man!!! You dare touch her again I'mma rip the hell outta you!!
Third person's pov: Jk was just a distraction for Hyunjin, meanwhile Taehyung sneakily comes from behind and shoots Hyunjin's arm which was holding the knife, he immediately falls to the ground because of the impact! Y/n takes this opportunity and escapes from him, Hyunjin was getting to his gun, just then Taehyung shoots that arm as well! It was a painful torture for Hyunjin! And all he did was just smirk!
Hj: You think you can kill me huh??(smirks)
Just then there was smoke everywhere, it was very difficult for anyone to see anything.

Hyunjin had a knife he pierced the knife inside Y/n's neck a little, and it bleed!Jk: You fucking bastard! Leave her alone and fight me like a man!!! You dare touch her again I'mma rip the hell outta you!!Third person's pov: Jk was just a distract...

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Just as the smoke seemed to disappear, Hyunjin was missing!
Tae: That fucking Jerk escaped!! Fuckkkkk!!
Jk: Y/n Are you okay??
Tae: You fucking don't touch her!! Don't even dare to go near her!!
Jk: Chill man! I'm going inside!
Tae: Are you okay??. Did he hurt you?? Omgg! You're bleeding!
Y/n: Stop it Tae... (laughs) I'm fine! And I'm just a little tired and feel like I'm having nausea!
Tae: You must be tired because of all this bullshit, let's take you home!
Tae: Mark my man, I really don't know how to thank you, you've helped me a lot! If it weren't for you and your gang I'd have lost Y/n.
Mark: Chill mate! You've helped my family in the past, so this is just a return favour, and If Hyunjin comes in the future and tries to harm you or your family in any way, don't hesitate to give a call.. (winks)
Tae: Sure man!

CEO becomes the New Husband ~Kim Taehyung~ ✔️Where stories live. Discover now