Ceo Becomes The New Husband (chapter-4)

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Taehyung gets admitted in the East side hospital as it was the nearest.
Assistant Jung comes in
Assistant Jung: Boss.... Are you okay.? I have postponed all the meetings..
Tae: Thanks Assistant Jung.. And I'm okay, it was just a small accident.
Tae: Doctor.! Doctor...!!
Doctor : yes.?!
Tae: when can i be discharged??
Doctor:you'll stay here for abt a week or more
Tae: whattt??? But i got work.. I'm a busy man.
Doctor: No what(s) and but(s). You're staying right here young man.
"after few hours y/n comes to work"
Lisa: Hey y/n.. You got work in room 106.
Y/n: ohh.. Okay thanks..
Lisa: Hey... I heard the man staying there is one handsome guy.
Y/n: Hey lisa.. We're working. We're not on some type of dating or looking out for handsome guys show.
Lisa: okay... As u say boss! (salutes her)
"Y/n enters room106 and sees kim taehyung laying and working on his lap top"
Y/n: Excuse me sir, it's time for your medicine
Tae: keep it on the table.. I'll eat later!
Y/n: Hey mister!!!! Do you wanna recover or not?? Eat your medicine!
Tae: who do you think you are??(puts his laptop down n notices the same girl he saw)
Y/n: you might be the president's son or some big celebrity but this is the hospital and right now you're my patient!!!
Tae eats the medicine.
Tae's pov: Wow! I didn't knew she would turn out to be a tough lady. She looks innocent in the outside but is really something inside.. She's an interesting person.

Tae takes the medicine n falls asleep after some time.

CEO becomes the New Husband ~Kim Taehyung~ ✔️Where stories live. Discover now