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Taehyung's pov:
All this years were so hectic, but these days are the happiest days of my life. I got a beautiful wife, two gorgeous kids.
I was punching some important things on my computer for the meeting, Asst Jung came in with coffee. "Boss, here your coffee" he said placing it on my table "Asst Jung, how long will the meeting last?" says Kim with the same old cold vibe "Uhh, I guess about an hour" "Alright.." Taehyung replies and gets back to work.
After an hour and a half:
"So, any questions regarding this project? Please raise your opinions" Kim taehyung says as he takes a sit.
Nobody raised an objection "I guess that's the end of this meeting then" Asst Jung gets up taking the files from Taehyung's table.
In Tae's office:
"Babbbyyyyyyy....." Tae whines "Stop whining.. You're already a father of two kids" Y/n says adjusting her rimmed glasses. "When will you come?" Tae pouts "Probably after about an hour" Y/n chuckles "Ohhh myyy No way.. I'm calling the director to end your shift" "Stop it honey, my shift ends in about 10 mins" "You'll be punished for lying to me" Tae smirks leaning on his chair. "I'm not coming then" Y/n says not really looking at her phone screen. "Get your lazy ass here asap.. Byee" Tae hangs up.
"Woww.. He just hung up on me"
Y/n's Pov:
My shift ended at last, I got on my car I decided to buy some snacks and coffee for Tae on my way.. After about 15 mins I reached his office, he has a private elevator to which only me and him can have access;talk about money😉
As I reached the 18th floor which is his office I was greeted by Asst Jung and of course all the female colleagues still glares at me but I don't give a damn. As I entered his office he was typing on his computer I tried to surprise him but of course the COLD Kim Taehyung has no affect "You're no fun" Y/n pouts "Honeyy.. Did something happened to your brain?" Taehyung snickers "Stop it will you" playfully hits his chest "Btw I got you snacks and coffee" "Why eat snack, when I have you" Taehyung smirks bringing Y/n to sit on his lap "If you'd say this some years ago I might've gotten flustered but No Mr Kim" Y/n says trying to get up "But why? I know that I make your heart go crazy everytime I do something like this" Tae smirks "Will you stop your flirtings Mr Kim we are not at home!" flustered Y/n replies trying to hide her face "It's not like we haven't did anything here" Taehyung counter attacks "What exactly happened to you?" Y/n now facing Taehyung "How long do I have to wait?" Taehyung asks "Uhmmm.. Let's have your snacks first" Y/n knew that both of them haven't being spending time this past few months because of their busy schedules and she exactly knew what Taehyung wanted " I can't wait any longer" Tae says in a low voice making his way up to Y/n's bra to unclasped it "Tae stop.. This is your office" "Exactly... This is my office"
*Smut alert* (Like I tried 🙄🤣 a mini one though 🥴)
Taehyung continued to move his hand around Y/n's back, kissing all over her neck. Y/n let out small inaudible moans Taehyung continues knowing that his wife likes it. He suddenly picks her up and places her on his office table "I really need it" Taehyung whispers in her ears Y/n just nods. Taehyung being the professionalist leaves marks all over Y/n's neck, collar bones and breast.
He kisses her passionately, it was a needy kiss. Taehyung picks her up and Y/n wraps her legs around Tae's waist he takes her to the office couch still not breaking the kiss.. Y/n breaks the kiss "What if someone enters?" "Nobody will" continuing with the kisses now all over her upper body. Y/n felt butterflies all over her tummy it's been years they did it but everytime feels like the first time "Calm that kid" Y/n says at the growing length of Taehyung's below(👀) "That's your punishment for being late it's just gonna grow bigger" Tae smirks while trying to remove Y/n's bottoms
"Boss... The clients that.... OH MY GOD! I DIDN'T SEE ANYTHING" Asst Jung burst in and out within a blink of an eye. "That bastard is getting fired ughhh! I'm not gonna give him salary for the next 5 months!!!" Taehyung exclaims completely angry for what his assistant just spoiled a perfect moment. "Calm down Honey.. It's our fault anyways. We were about to do it in daylight that too in your office" Y/n tries to calm her husband down
"Ughhhh.. It was all going good after a long time" "It's alright. We'll have plenty of time for this" Y/n chuckles getting up dressing herself. "All I need now is a scarf" Y/n says looking at what her monster husband did to her neck "Don't worry I'll get you one now" Taehyung says back hugging her "When will I get" The Plenty time" Taehyung says emphasising the last three words "Probably after your busy schedules" Y/n says holding the hands that are on her tummy. "That's not gonna be soon then" Taehyung sighs "ISTG I'm not paying him for the next 5 months" Taehyung exclaims again remembering what his Assistant ruined. "Calm down boy, Anyways eat the snacks I'll be leaving, the kids classes must be ending anytime soon" "But I wanted to eat you" Taehyung says with puppy eyes and pouting lips "Stop it" Y/n facepalms "Okayy okayy.. Now go" Taehyung pouts "Byee hon" Y/n pecks his lips then walks out. On walking out Asst Jung was standing by Taehyung's office door "young Madam" Asst Jung calls out "Can you please tell Mr Kim not to deduct my salary, I really didn't knew that you guys would do it in broad daylight"
Asst Jung continues "Don't worry He won't do it" Y/n smiles at him then walks to the elevator.

A/N: I know you guys are disappointed for the "Smut" thingy 👀 like I'm sorry but I'll try to read for some inspirations then publish another epilogue 🙄 and I'd really wanna thank everyone for showing love and support for this book.. I love y'all 💜💜💜💜

CEO becomes the New Husband ~Kim Taehyung~ ✔️Where stories live. Discover now