Ceo Becomes The New Husband (Chapter-12)

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Two days left for Taehyung to be discharged
At night:
Tae's pov: Did Y/n just called me baby??? Does she feels the same way for me?? Goshhh...,! I LOVE YOU Y/N!!!
In the morning, Y/n entered Tae's room:
Y/n: Heyy..!! You're gonna be discharged in two days.
Tae: Yes.. I know!
Y/n: So... How are you feeling.??
Tae: I'm feeling better..
Y/n: Excited to get discharged??
Tae: Yeahh... Maybe..
Y/n: Okayyy...
Tae: Hey Y/n..
Y/n: Yeahh..
Tae: Come here..!
Y/n: What?? Why???
Tae: Just do it please...!
Y/n: Okayy.. (comes closer to him)
Tae: Look into my eyes..
Y/n: .................... (looks at him)
Tae: Hey Park Y/n.....
You know I'm going to be discharged right in two days right??? Can i go home today??
Y/n: (Blank) Yeah.. Maybe..
Tae: Okay.. So.. Please don't say anything until i complete what i have to say.. Alright..
Y/n: Uhmmm... Okayy.
Tae: Park Y/n....... You are not that attractive, you are not that pretty... The first day i saw you.. Was when you were waiting for the cab, something caught my attention... It was YOU... There must be some reason of me getting admitted in this hospital when there are many great hospitals in town.. Park Y/n i don't know how you feel about me, but the first day you came into my room, it was the best feeling.... I started loving you from the day i saw you but actually realized only after i get to know you... I really want to grow old with you.. I wanna be with you forever... But it's your decision... I don't wanna force you into anything..
Y/n: (With tears).............. I'm..... Speechless...
Tae: It's Okay... (kisses forehead).
Y/n: ................. Tae...... I....................
(runs away)
Tae's pov: Y/n.. I know you love me too... It's just that you have to accept it.. But do it quick... I can wait... But i really wanna be with you soon..
Tae: (Calls Assistant Jung) Get me a car.. I'm leaving today.
30 mins later, car arrives:
Assistant Jung: Hey Boss... The car is here.. Let's go..
Tae: Okay.... (Eyes looking for someone).
Asst Jung: Driver.... Get the car here..
*Outside the hospital, a familiar figure runs towards Taehyung and hugs him tight..
Y/n: Heyy.. Mr Kim Taehyung... I'm gonna miss you (Hugs tighter)
Tae: Don't worry... You'll soon be mine (hugs back tighter)
Y/n: How do you know???
Tae: I know you love me.. (winks)
Y/n: Hahh... I don't (feeling proud).
Tae: (Smiles) Take care Y/n... Since you'll soon be mine... (hugs tighter and breaks the hug)
Y/n: Ouchhh!! That hurt... (pouts)
Tae: Do you wanna say something else.?? (pouts)
Y/n: Why are you leaving??? (tears forming)
Tae: I got work baby.. But I'll meet you soon (pats her on the head)
Y/n: Okay dumbb..! (Wipes tears)
Taehyung walks away..
When Y/n turned around to leave to, someone caught her hand and she was in shock...
She felt something warm and soft meet her lips.. Taehyung kissed her on the lips..
Tae: I love you honey.. Byee... Miss me..
*Goes away leaving Y/n in shock..

CEO becomes the New Husband ~Kim Taehyung~ ✔️Where stories live. Discover now