Chapter One- First Day

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A/N- Before I start, I'd like to address the fact the whole thought to write this story came from one of my favorite books on Wattpad called "A Kiss For Clumsy" so if you haven't already, READ THAT! But the, falling on the boy part, partner and crime part and him befriending her came from that. Otherwise, the story line is different. Thanks for your time. Let's beginn!!

---------Chapter One---------

My feet pound against the sidewalk as I run to my new school. I missed the bus by ten minutes and I'm pretty sure the first bell rings in five. This is why I hate switching schools. New schedule, new drama, new people. Plus more people to avoid. Making friendships isn't something I try and do at all. My utmost concern is graduating and doing something with my life.

Besides, the more people in your life means more people that can betray your trust, backstab you and destroy any feelings or emotions you thought you had. Yeah, it's happened before. Not very fun. Then again, I'm numb to the any feelings normal people even have. So, I couldn't tell you if it hurts or not.

I finally arrive at my new hell and shove the doors open. The bell rings throughout the halls and I sigh. Made it to school on time....late for class. I make my way to my new assigned locker and glance around the strangely empty hallways. Not a student or teacher in sight.

I exchange books and check my schedule. I have maths first. Ughh. I slowly try and find my way to what's supposed to be my new math classroom and nearly grin at the sight. Finally! The door opens and everyone looks over to me like I just committed a crime. Which I have...but not recently. So they wouldn't know anything.

"Ah, Miss Johnson I assume?" My teacher asks. I nod. "That's correct. Sorry I'm late sir." I apologize dryly. He waves me off. "No worries. First day, new school. I completely understand. You can take a seat beside Miss Caldwell." He instructs. A girl with glasses, freckles and pitch black hair raises her hand to wave at me.

I nod and quickly make my way over to my new seat, taking in the girl beside me. "Hey. My name is Bianca. I'll need your name, number, date of birth, social security number, address and the name of every person in your family. Along with your favorite color, food and animal." She says seriously. I stare at her in shock and confusion. Is she seri-

The girl suddenly bursts out laughing. "I'm kidding. I only need your name." She says, still chuckling. I frown. "Charlie." I say slowly, staring at the weird girl. She grins. "Is that short for something?" I nod. "Yeah. Charlotte Johnson. Nice to you." I say as kindly as I can. She smiles. "Sorry if I weirded you out. I'm relatively normal. Usually." She apologizes.

I nod. "It's fine. You just sounded so serious." She shrugs. "That was the point. So, have you found a tour guide yet, or is that spot still open?" Bianca asks me. I sigh. "Still long as you don't plan to do a background check on me." I try and joke. She smirks. "No promises, Charlotte Johnson." She states, winking at me quickly before turning to face the front.


"Alright, I'm pretty sure we have like the exact same schedule so that's that. Bathroom is right around that corner to your right and the gossip bathroom is down the opposite way, near the entrance to the cafeteria." Bianca says casually. I nod and take another look around.

"Well, this will be hell." I state. She nods. "It's called school for a reason. Hey, I'll be right back. Bathroom run. Hold this?" She shoves her leather black bag and coffee cup into my arms and sprints down the hallway. She's a weird one. I turn to walk towards my next class but trip and fall onto the floor. "Ow." The floor complains.

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