Chapter Five- 'Hang Out'

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I wake up around noon to voices outside the door. It takes me a few moments to remember where I am, and I quickly sit up when I do. I finally recognize the voices as Tony's and Ashton's. Shit.

"She's sleeping Ash, keep your voice down." I hear Tony scold Ashton. He bursts into the room a second later and we just stare at each other. "Char."


He walks over and pulls me into his arms. "Why didn't you call me? I would've let you stay." He murmurs. I pull back and glare at Tony from over his shoulder. Obviously he informed Ash that I showed up upset. Traitor.

"You would have asked a bunch of questions that I didn't want to answer." I state. He doesn't bother denying that. "Well, want to go out?" He asks. I stare up at him. " Straightforward." I mutter. His eyes widen. "Shit. That isn't- do you want to hang out for a bit? Just do something." He stutters out.

I shrug. Why am I a little disappointed? "Sure. Let me just get changed. K?" He nods and walks out. "Sorry." Anthony apologizes. I shrug and wave him out. He turns and shuts the door. I sigh and grab my clothes from my bag.

"Ready?" Ash asks when I walk out. I haul my bag over my shoulder and nod. He grins widely at me, showing a dimple I didn't know he had. "Great. See you Tony." Ash fist bumps his friend and leads me out. I throw my bike into the back of his truck and climb in.

"Want to go grab brunch first?" I suggest. "Sounds good. Recommendations?" He asks. I shrug. "I'm new, remember? I don't know anywhere." I point out. He smirks. "Perfect. I know just the place." He says.

I smile and watch out the window as we drive.

We pull up to a cozy looking cafe and Ash pulls me inside. "Mom!" He calls. I look up at him, surprised. "Your mom works here?" He nods with a goofy smile on his face. His mom comes bustling out and her eyes light up when she spots us. "Ashton." She greets then turns to me with a bright smile.

"Hey sweetie. Charlotte, right?" She asks. "You can call me Charlie. Pleasure to see you again Miss Jones." She waves me off. "Alice. And it's wonderful to see you two together." Ashton chokes on air and I blush. His mom watches with amusement, clearly enjoying this.

"We aren't together." Ash defends. She raises an eyebrow. "No? You two came here separately?" Oh. She meant that together? "Oh that. Yeah, we're here together." I say, chuckling nervously. She smirks. "What'd you think I meant?"

We share a look and just shrug. She laughs and leads us to a table in the back. "For privacy." She says with a wink and hands us menus before walking off. "Your mom sure is something." I say with a small smile. He laughs. "She is, yes. Besides Tony, my mom is like my best friend."

I smile. I'm happy he has a good relationship with at least one of his parents. Although, his dad is never mentioned. "Who is your father?" I ask carefully. He avoids my eyes and looks down at the menu. "He's probably in jail for all I know. I met him maybe once when I was younger but...I have no interest in seeing him again." He explains.

I don't pry furthur. "Any breakfast suggestions?" I ask instead. He looks relieved for the change in subject. "French toast with strawberries and whipped cream is amazing. I get it every time I'm here." He says. I smile and close my menu. "I'll get that too."

Alice comes back with a mischievous grin and a notepad. "Hello love birds, what can I get you today?" She asks cheerfully. I blush and turn my head away. "Mom." Ash groans. She laughs. "Fine fine I'll stop, Ashlotte." I look up at her, confused. "Ashlotte?" I ask. She smirks. "Your ship name obviously." She informs us in a duh tone.

"Um, we'll get two of my usual. What do you want for a drink, Char?" Ashton jumps in quickly. His mom just laughs at his obvious flustered state. "Orange juice please." I say. Alice writes it down and smiles once more before going out back. "That was embarrassing."

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