Chapter Nine- Dinner

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"Hello Cherry." Ethan says with a smug smile, using my old nickname. Emily fidgets nervously, eyeing me like she thinks I'm going to explode. Which, makes sense. I've had anger issues for as long as I can remember. "What are you guys doing here?" I spit. Dad lays a hand on my back and leans into my ear. "Behave, Tesoro. I know you're hurt, but behave." He whispers.

I close my eyes and let out a breath. "Welcome welcome, come inside." Mom greets them with a smile. She subtly winks at Ethan but I catch it. Emily narrows her eyes slightly at my mother and turns to me. "Hey Charlie." She greets uncomfortably.

"It's Charlotte. And I'd appreciate if we pretended the other didn't exist. I try not to insert myself into the lives of backstabbing bitches." I say coolly, spinning on my heel and joining everyone else in the kitchen. "Hey sweetie." Mrs. Regan greets me with a motherly smile. I smile back, after all she's innocent in the situation.

"Hey. How's it been?" I ask politely. "Good good. And you? Any boyfriends?" She asks teasingly. Mr. Regan chuckles at his wife. "Now now dear, we haven't see the Johnson's in a year. Let's allow then to breathe." He says with a grin. I laugh and walk over to my father. "Why would Mother invite them?" I hiss.

Dad doesn't really know the full story. Just that I was friends with them, dated Ethan and then he cheated and broke my heart. Well, what little heart I have. "Not sure, Tesoro. I'll speak with her lat-"

Suddenly the doorbell rings. "Charlotte." Mother says. I sigh and trudge over to the door. "Ash?" I ask, surprised. He smiles. "Hey Partner. You busy?" He asks. I glance inside and step out, shutting the door. "My mom has...friends over. People from our past." I admit. He frowns. "You seem upset." He points out.

I shrug. "Well yeah. My ex boyfriend and ex best friend are inside my home for dinner." I say, looking up at him. "Your mom invited your ex..." He says slowly. I nod. He seems to have tensed up. The door behind us opens and we turn. "Problem out here?" Ethan asks. I roll my eyes. "Not really your business Ethan." I say bitterly.

Ashton seems to catch on to the tension between us and steps closer to me, sliding an arm around my waist. Ethan's eyes immediately glance at his arm. "Your um, mother sent me to check on you." He says. I shrug and lean into Ash. "I'm fine. You can go inside now, back to my mother." I sneer. He visibly winces.

Ash looks down at me confused. I suddenly get an idea and smirk. "Hey Ash." I say. "Yeah, Partner?" He asks. I grin. "Want to stay for dinner?" I ask, hoping he can see the clear desperation in my eyes. Ashton nods. "Of course." I grin and turn back to Ethan.

"Inform my mother to set another chair beside mine please." I say sweetly. Ethan narrows his eyes at me and walks inside, slamming the door. I release a breath of relief and step away from Ash. "Thanks." He shrugs. "Anything for you." He says with a soft smile. I blush faintly and look down.

"Why isn't Martin here for dinner though?" He asks. I look back up with a frown. "Martin?" I ask, confused. He nods. "Yeah. Your boyfriend. Why isn't he here? Figured you'd invite your boyfriend as your date." He says. Ohhhh. "Oh. Martin. Yeah, he's busy today. So, you can take his place as my date for the night." I answer with a laugh.

"Charlotte, dinner is do- woah." Emily cuts herself off, staring at Ash. My blood boils at the look in her eyes but I ignore it. "Wipe the drool off your face, Regan. We're coming." I say with an eye roll. She clears her throat and nods. I grab Ashton's hand and drag him inside.

"Oh, who's this?" Dad asks with a smirk. I laugh. "Dad, this is my best friend and partner in crime, Ashton Jones. Ash, my father." I introduce. Ash holds out a hand to shake with my father's. My mom appears beside him. "Is this your boyfriend?" Mom questions, clearly checking him out. Gross.

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