Chapter Ten- Picnic

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I check the time on my phone for the hundredth time in the past fifteen minutes. It's currently eleven fifty. I get out of bed and pull on my black boots. I open my bedroom door and peek out. The house is completely silent. Dad already did his nightly checkin so I should be good for the night.

I quietly close my door, grab my bag and open my bedroom window. I take a deep breath and jump out. The street is silent and every light in the neighborhood is off. Good. Less chance of getting caught. I jog over to my car and start it, driving off towards the park.

I spot a silhouette of a person by the woods entrance and run over. "Didn't think you'd come." Ash admits. I smile. "I can't leave my partner hanging." I defend with a goofy grin. He laughs and leads me into the woods. I stood abruptly and stare at the ground, laughing slightly. "I said bring food...not a whole picnic." I say.

A large blanket is spread out on the ground with a large picnic basket off to the side. Numerous amounts of foods are spread out across the blanket and two pillows to sit on. He's brought a couple blankets and placed them on the basket as well. A few lanterns are surrounding the large blanket, giving us the perfect amount of light.

"I know what you said. I did bring food." Ash says with a smirk. I chuckle and sit on one of the pillows. Ashton takes the other and tosses me a blanket. I smile and drape it over my body. "Well, dig in Darling." He says. I grin and take a few strawberries from the container.

When I finish stuffing my face I look down at the blanket and fiddle with the loose strings. "So, we're here because I want to open up." I say slowly. I watch Ash push food out of his way so he can sit beside me. "Take your time." He whispers.

I take a deep breath and launch into the story of my past. Just like I told Bianca, I informed him about everything. Ethan cheating, Ethan cheating with my mother, Emily and Ethan getting into an accident, Em admitting to knowing all along, the break-in, almost getting raped. Every single detail of my old life comes crashing back in a full story to Ash.

When I finally finish he just stares at me. I wish I could read minds. "Charlotte..." He whispers, trailing off. I look up at him. Before I can register anything, he leans in and places his lips against mine. I'm frozen in shock for a moment before my body and mind catch up and I kiss him back. My arms encircle his neck and he pulls me closer.

Suddenly, my whole being comes into focus and I pull away at lightening speed. "We can't- Why did you- You have a girlfriend!" I stutter. He seems dazed for a minute before realizing the same thing as me. "Shit. I'm sorry Char. I shouldn't have done that I just...I wasn't thinking." He says hurriedly. "Clearly." I mutter.

I close my eyes and replay what just happened. Ash just kissed me and I...I kissed him back. I kissed him back. I just helped him cheat on Allie. Fuck. I dislike the girl but I wouldn't wish this kind of betrayal on nobody. "Ch-" I don't let him finish. I shake my head and take off in a sprint towards my car. I glance in the rearview mirror and notice Ash running after me.

I push my foot down on the gas pedal and take a U-Turn to Bianca's house. It's like one in the morning now. She's probably passed out. I grab my phone and send a quick message.

Emergency! I'm coming over.
You up????!!!!

Ofc I am. I never sleep.
Insomnia. I'll keep the door
Unlocked. Everything alright?


I release a breath of who knows what. What is wrong with me? I actually kissed Ashton back. Ashton kissed me. Did it mean anything to him? Probably not. I mean, he has a girlfriend that he clearly likes. It was just a moment of weakness. That's all. He obviously felt bad after my sob story and didn't know what else to do. Perfect explanation.

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