Chapter Four- Break-in

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I dry my hair with the towel Bi let me borrow and step out of her bathroom. She looks over and smiles. "Got all the ice cream out?" She teases. I laugh and nod. "Yes I did. I hope." She chuckles. My phone dings, indicating a new message and I grab my phone.

New message from Mother🙄

Where are you Charlotte?
Your father said you were at a
Friends house? Come home
Immediately! It's past 11:00
At NIGHT Missy!!!

You're home past 11 nearly
Every night Mom

Don't sas me young lady.
Home. Now.

I scoff and pocket my phone. "I need to go." Bianca nods and grabs her keys. "Come on." I follow her outside as quietly as possible so we don't attract her mom's attention. The ride to my house is just filled with music and me giving directions. My dad is waiting outside and greets me with a hug.

"You must be Bianca." He greets her. She nods. "In the flesh. I need to get going though." She informs him. He nods and she takes off. "Mom in a bad mood?" I ask. He smiles sympathetically at me and nods. "Yeah. Hard day at work. You need to cut her some slack, Tesoro." He says.

I frown and follow him inside. "Finally! Who's house were you at?" She asks with a scowl. I grab a granola bar and turn to her with narrowed eyes. "A friend's house. Don't act like you care, Mother." I say bitterly and stomp upstairs.

I pull pajamas on before realizing I'm missing something. "Crap." I mutter, grabbing my phone and calling Ashton. He doesn't answer. I groan and grab my coat, slipping out my window and running to our garage. I get in my car and drive towards Ash's house. All the lights are off, no movement from what I can see. I get out and trail around back to where his window is.

I climb the tree beside it and pull myself into his open window. Idiot. Any robbers could break in. "Ash?" I whisper. He lays silently in his bed, peacefully sleeping. Too bad that won't last. I walk over to his bed, yank his covers off and slap his face. He jolts straight up in bed and stares at me confused. "Hi."

He blinks sleep away from his eyes and stares at me. "Char?" He asks for confirmation. I nod and drag him to his feet. "What time is it? And why are you here?" I glance at my phone. "11:30. And, because we have some crime to commit, Partner." I say with a grin. He stares at me blankly.

"What?" I sigh. "I forgot my tiger at Thriller Park. We need to get it." I complain. He shakes his head at me in disbelief. "We can get it tomorrow, Charlotte." He says, being reasonable unlike me. I shake my head stubbornly. "Some partner. Can't even help me break into a theme park." I whine.

He groans and grabs his coat. "Fine. But if we get caught, I'm blaming you." He mutters. I clap my hands in excitement. "Thank you Ash." I say happily. He grunts and pulls me downstairs and outside silently. We get into his car and he drives towards the park. The parking lot is deserted, obviously, so we pull right up front beside the gate and get out.

"Lift me." I order. He kneels down and creates a step with his foot. I place a hand on his shoulder to steady myself and another on the top of the fence to pull myself over. He boosts me up and I pull myself up and over. I stand, shivering in the chilly air, and wait for him to climb over. He does so effortlessly and grabs my hand.

"Come on, Crazy." He mumbles, pulling me to where we ate the ice cream. I spot my tiger and run over. "There you are my baby boy." I coo to the stuffed animal. Ashton laughs and pulls me into him. "Let's hurry and get out before-"

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