Chapter Twenty- Closure

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My phone has been ringing constantly for the last five minutes...except I can't find it. I've searched my whole room and it is no where to be found.

"Are you going to answer that?" Emily asks, her voice scratchy from just waking up.

"I would if I could find it." I snap back.

I finally grab it and slide my finger over the Accept button.

"Hello?" I ask, sitting up in bed and running a hand through my hair.


I'm suddenly wide awake and jump to my feet. Emily eyes me warily and backs up, causing her to fall off my bed.

"Ashton? Um hey...what's up? I wasn't expecting a call after our conversation." I say honestly.

"Yeah I know just...can you meet me somewhere?" He asks hopefully. I glance at Em.

"Hold on." I put my phone on mute and smile sweetly at her.

"Could you go with my mother to pick up Jake? I have to do something." I ask. She waves me off and nods.

"Talk to Lover Boy. You deserve happiness."

I grin and unmute Ash. "Text me the address."


I pull up my car to the park where we had our picnic. Ashton is already waiting by the forest entrance.



We stand there awkwardly before he clears his throat and extends a hand. I take it and he leads us through the woods. Last time I was in the woods...I was being tortured. Memories of the other night flash through my mind and I abruptly stop. Ashton looks back at me in confusion before his features change to worried.

"Char? Are you okay?" He asks.

I hold up a finger. Breathing becomes a struggle and tears prick my eyes. I'm hyperventilating. Arms suddenly wrap around me and Ashton whispers for me to calm down.

"I'm here. You're okay Charlotte. You're okay. Deep breaths."

I listen to him and focus on breathing. I'm finally able to do so and wipe the tears from my eyes.

"Thanks." I mutter.

He nods and pulls me along. I focus on the branches snapping under my feet rather than the memories of being tied to a chair. We walk until we reach a blanket spread on the ground with a single lantern to light up the space. A couple softer blankets stacked off to the side along with a couple pillows.

"This scene looks familiar." I say with a small laugh.

He shrugs and sits down, pulling me beside him. "Well, I wanted to make amends with you. I love you Charlie. I really do. I want to be with you, and I know you said you're done with second chances after what Ethan did to you. I wouldn't give myself a second chance either after I lacked trust in you. I wish I could promise not to do it again, but accidents are inevitable, Charlotte Johnson. So I'll try my damn hardest to not make them. Especially if it means I can have you as my girlfriend again."

I'm in shock. I stare at Ashton with slightly wide eyes and my lips are parted. He avoids my gaze and shoves a chocolate covered strawberry in his mouth.

"I- I said no second chances anymore." I struggle to say. My heart hurts as I manage to get it out. I love Ashton Jones, but I don't think I can handle anymore betrayal, lies and heartbreak.

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