The adventure begins

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This story is from my Instagram acc!
Instagram: Colbsbrocks
I will just copy it, changing or adding some stuff.. !!sorry if the parts are short!!
I will also write more of the ending so get ready! ❤️
If you already know the story please down spoil anything!!❤️😊
Enjoy I guess😂

Colby's pov:

Texting with Sam:
Sam💙: Are you coming to the
Me: what party?
Sam💙: Elton's...... at his new place..
Me: ohhh!!! Yeah!! Sorry!!!
Sam💙: hahaha😂 just get ready dude!
Me: I will get ready then I be there!!
Sam💙: see yah!

I get ready and pick my outfit. Got fast to my car and started to drive. All I am going to do is get so drunk that I don't remember the night.. As I always do. I think as I drive and I am glad Elton's place isn't so far away. I park and go to his house. Seeing Sam talking to his girlfriend Katrina, right as I get there. Waits for me so he knows that I would come. I have done that before. Said I would come to a place but never show up.

"There you are!!" Sam says and give me a quick hug.
"I came!" I say and hug back.
"Then let's party." Katrina says and drags Sam in with her.

And then again I am alone. Third wheeling as I always do with those two. I slowly go after them but then I see where the drinks are and I go there instead. Taking one drink after another. Forgetting anything that should be forgotten.

Glass after glass I drink in seconds. Music is loud and people are dancing. Shortly after I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey dude!" Brennen says as I turn around. "How much are you plant to drink?" He adds.
"A lot!!" I shout back.

He drags me away from the drink. I wobble after him.. Feeling that I am very drunk. The stops and we are at the dance floor. Guys and girls around wanting to dance. Time goes for a bit and I see a girl. Talking to another girl. While she takes little sneak peeks at me. I smile at her and get a little smile back. I look her up and down, slightly biting my lip. Brennen must have noticed because he pushed me closer to her. I try to resist it but then he pushes one last time and I bump into her. Making her spill her drink on both me and her.

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