Down hill

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Colby's pov:

Then after Sam everyone else tried to talk to me. But I said the same every time. The last person was y/n. The person who turned my humanity switch back on. Nothing is her fault! It was just bad timing. Crying she walks slowly in and I feel even more bad.. of course I do! But this would have never happened if I just had stayed in my place. In my own head..

"Was it my fault?" She asks softly.
"It wasn't y/n... it wasn't your fault.." I answer.

She lays her head on my stomach. I place my hand on the back of her head and carefully stroke it. Lovingly.

"Don't cry.. even if I tried I couldn't leave the best people I know.." I say and she looks up at me.

Red, beautiful eyes. I couldn't wait anymore. I won't waist anymore time. I pull her closer and I kiss her. She doesn't resist, she actually kisses me back. I can feel her smile.. but it's not what I wanted.. I thought it was but it's not.. then what is..??

Some time has gone by and I am out of the hospital. At home in the backyard. With all the other roommates.

Sam😇: Colby, you okay?
Me: yeah why?
Sam😇: you look so gone and done
Me: just thinking Sam...
Me: I need to think..
Me: about everything and nothing
Me: just don't leave me..
Sam😇: you cant get rid of me so easy brock!
Me: good!! I think I need some more help... with y/n..

And I got some more help.. I am ready to ask her out again.. and that I will! Hoping she says yes but after the day at the hospital I think she will.. she is the one I want! My mind is just play tricks on me!
I am just walking around in LA... finding something nice for y/n..

"Hey there.." Rita says as she sees me at the mall.
"What?" I ask quick and keeps walking.
"I am not finished..." she says.
"Well I am so go!" I go faster but she goes in front of me and stops me.
"I won't leave until I can't get the rest of that night." She smirks at me.
"Go for my friend Brennen.. he would like it." I say back at her.
"Just wait cutie." She says as she is playing a game.
"I won't.." I walk away.

Knowing she is following me. Walking slow and then I stop. I turn around and are about to say something when Rita pushed me to the nearest wall and kissed me. Before I could push her away I hear "Colby?" From y/n's sad voice...

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