Ask her out

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Colby's pov:

Some days have past and everything is alright. For now.. me and y/n have talked more. And I really like her. Guessing I really like her. Wonder how she really feels. Not that I am worried... not much.. I am more worried about Rita. Don't know what she is planning but we survived, for now. I mostly just think about y/n and I can't seem to think of anything else. Waking up to her. Her eyes on me and being able to hug her whenever I can. Kiss her lips when I feel too and then tell her I love her everyday... wait...... LOVE?!?!?

"SAM!!!!!" I scream and go fast to his room. The door was open so I just walked in. "I am crazy! I am going insane.!!"
"Why Colby? Did you see a cute koala?" Sam asks as a joke.
"Funny you are." I start. "But not this time... I was thinking... thinking I love y/n."

Sam's pov:

I spit out the water I have in my mouth when I heard what Colby said. Love her?!? Already? Not even dating!? I mean it sounds great but love? That's a very strong word to use. Just hope that he actually means it. Or else y/n is going to get very hurt.

"Colby... are you sure about this?" I ask a little concerned.
"I don't know..." he slowly says back. "I think.... I don't know that why I am freak out!!"
"Ask her out!" I quickly say.
"What?!?" He laughs a little.
"Now! Text her!!" I almost scream. "If you don't I will do it for you!"
"Sam, no" Colby says back with a nervous voice.
"Then you will text her.." I calmly say.
"Okay I will." He says and starts walking out.
"NOW!!!" I scream and makes him jump.

Colby's pov:

And I did... texted y/n right away... Sam scares me sometimes.

Me: can I ask you something?
Princess❤️: you just did😊
Me: okay... forget it..😔
Princess❤️: no! Sorry... c'mon ask
Me: okay....
Me: Princess, will you maybe go on a date with me?🥺❤️💔🤔😔😳😅😊
Princess❤️: Prince..... I would love to go on a date with you..!😊😊
Me: srsly?!?!?
Princess❤️: YES😊

She said yes.... omg!! She said yes!!

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