Unsure feelings

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Sam's pov:

" you think y/n and Colby really like each other? Like real love?" I suddenly ask Katrina as we are just sitting on my bed, waiting for them to come back.
"Like each other? Yes.. real love? I am not sure.." she says back. "Why do you ask?"
"Just wondering.." I say back. "You know I love you right?"
"Yes and I love you too." She kisses my cheek and I kiss her lips fast before she can pull away.
"You see the reason I asked was that Colby thinks he loves y/n." I say. Probably shouldn't have said it...
"What?!?" Katrina says and almost jumps up from the bed.
"He isn't sure.. about love.. remember he got treated worse then me in the past with love.." I say and stand up too.
"Well..." she starts. "He could be in love, but not with her...."

Colby's pov:

We got back to the mansion and Katrina takes y/n straight away. Confused I go to the kitchen and get a smack in the head by Elton.

"AUCH!! What the hell was that for dude?!" I ask looking angry at him.
"In love?!? IN LOVE?!?!?" Elton basically screams at me. " already?! Dude no!!"
"First, I said I think.... second of all, where is Sam.!" I ask.
"Forget him!.... love?!? LOVE?!?! Dude... at least be with her a month before you start being in love with her!" Corey says as he appeared beside Elton.
"Okay boys... have a nice day and I will go to my room..." I say and walk up the stairs.

On my way up I see Sam.. on his way down. "You!" I say and walk straight to him." You told them?!"
"I did... don't be mad..." he starts. "It's for the best and you know that..."

We then sat down on the stairs. "You told Katrina didn't you?" I ask.
"Yeah.. and we talked about it." Sam says back.
"And what did you guys say about it?" Nervously I ask.
"That you maybe are in love but with someone else then y/n.." he looks down to where the others now are.
"Who?? Elton's sister?" I ask sarcastically.
"Either her or your ex.." Sam says.
"It's none of them! I know that Sam! I know how I feel!!"I say.. this is ridiculous..
"What if you don't?!" Sam calmly asks.
I look at him.. what if he is right.. what if I don't know how I feel.. but I am sure it's love..!
"Then what the heck is wrong with me?" I silently ask back.

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