It happens

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Y/n's pov:

"Long time no sea friends.." I say..
"I was just about to text you!" Devyn says before I could say anything... the all moved to show Sam.. he was sitting on a bench just looking at me and Elton.
"Omg dude!!" Elton starts. "You need to get to Colby!"
"I...I can't.." Sam says and stands slowly up.

His arms and legs are bleeding. With some glass charts in his body. Looking a bit more around I see his car.. I a tree..

"You should be at the hospital!" Elton screams.
"No! They all have tried! I am not going!" Sam says back.
"The hell you are Golbach! Don't push your buttons with me anymore then both of you boys have done tonight!" I say and he looks shocked at me but agrees to go with me..

I tell Elton to get Colby and for the others to be safe at home..

Colby's pov:

I see that Elton is coming back.. my first thought was *what the hell happened*. I get up and walk to him.

"What happened?" I ask. "Who is hurt? Who is at the hospital?"
Elton looks confused at me. "How did you know?"
"Didn't until now?" I stop and stare him down. "Who? Sam"
"Colby.. listen.." Elton says.
"I already know it's him.. I drove to fast and I didn't see a car coming towards me.. the car took a swing away from my car and then boom. The car hit a tree... I didn't know it was Sam until I drove past the car and I was and is stupid for not checking on him!!" I say.
"But your text?" Elton asks shocked and confused.
"To make sure Sam was safe.." I say and look down.
"Dude... both of you are making this whole thing weird and unnecessary.." he says.

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