Another girl

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Colby's pov:

Some days have past and I have not heard a thing from Elton or his sister. I guess I should just forget her. Like always.
I get down to the kitchen only to see Sam, Katrina and a random girl. I stop and look at her. Not drunk this time! Very, very sober. This girl has (your hair colour) hair. I can only see her back side but her hair looks amazing.

"See something you like bro?" Sam asks and smiles.
"What?" I ask back,shake my head and look at him.
"If you keep staring it will turn out creepy." He says laughing. "This is the last roommate.." he says to the girl.

She turns around to see me. Look at me. And her (your eye colour) eyes lights up. I just keep looking at her, like I can't look away. Just waiting to hear her voice. Waiting to know her personality. We slowly walks up to her and shake her hand.

"Nice to meet you Colby.. I am y/n." She says and gives me a little smile.

Omg... sweet lord! That smile tho! So sweet. Cute! Amazing!! Just wow.

"Eh.. yeah! Nice to meet you y/n" I say.

She laughs and smile a little more. That laugh is melody to my ears. Her smile is just melting my heart. I can just feel my heart being taken away. Slowly but sweetly. The thoughts go away when Sam pushes me a little and gives me a look. A look that says *stop staring and do something*

"Shut up Sam!" I say out loud not thinking he didn't say anything.

They all look confused at me. I smile and just walk over to the couch and sit down. Why did I say it out loud?! Only Sam understood that but he still looked confused! I am just the smartest person in the world. I put my head back and close my eyes. Yet again no wonder why I am single.

"You seem like a nice and funny guy." Y/n says and sits down beside me.

And then we just talked. Getting to know each other. She is very sweet. Her personality is like a cute little koala, but it has some edge to it. It's like she wants to be a bad girl. That's the vibe I get from her and I love it. Adore it!
Time flies very fast and then she is gone. I sit in the bean bag and just shake my head after she left. Wow.. I may be a hopeless romantic and say this every time, but yeah... I am forgetting Elton's sister, something I didn't think would happen. I get now what Sam have talked about since he met Katrina. It's a special feeling you get when you find the one you want.

"Please take her on a date before you say you are in love." Sam says and sit down on the couch.
"I won't do that again! I will wait and see this time." I say and look at him. "But I may think it's real this time."
"So do I dude.. that's why I told Kat to bring her over here." Sam says and smiles.

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