Bad news

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Sam's pov:

We all look at my phone. The screen facing down. I pick it up to see who is calling me. Oohh shit.. Dr.Navil.. he is the one calling me. I get a bad feeling of this. I take my phone and walk outside before I take it.

"Hello?" I say.
"Samuel Golbach?" He asks.
"That's me." I say back.
"I need you and your friends to come to the hospital.. it's about your friend Cole Robert Brock... he is badly injured and I am talking about life and death.."

We talk for a little longer before hanging up. I walk back inside to the others in a rush.

"We need to go! That was Dr.Navil! Colby is at the hospital again.." I say and look at them. "His life is on the line."

We all get to the hospital fasts. Meeting up with Dr.Nav.

"You can't come in yet, but I want you all to know what happened before any story comes out." He starts. "His family is already alerted.. what happened is that he was driving. He crossed the road and out of nowhere, a truck in full speed came and crashed into his car.. and from the last crash he was in.. the injuries are pretty bad.." it's quite after he said that. "The ambulance came at the right time because he was luckily still breathing... but now it's not easy to tell for how much longer he will."
" this can't happen.." I say.
"I will inform you when I know more" he says before walking away.

I am shaking.. looking around and seeing all my friends... the girls showing tears and emotions. The boys doing their best to hide them and be strong. I am not one of the boys now..

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