Headache mess

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Colby's pov:

I woke up with a very bad headache and a text on my phone from Elton.

L10😊: You okay?
Me: Besides the headache I am doing fine..
L10😊: good! And the girl?
Me: what girl?!?!??
L10😊: we got you by your car, and you kept talking about a girl you kissed...
Me: what?!?
Me: who?!?!
L10😊: You Tell me dude!

Was I that drunk!? Omg I hate life now. I always do this! Why?! Drink away my feelings and find a girl to make out with and then don't remember anything the day after. No wonder I am still single. But one thing I do remember about this girl. Something the others didn't have, but I am not really sure what.
I get down to the kitchen and see a white crop top on the counter. Gently shaking my head thinking it's either Katrina's or Devyn's. But being me I was thinking wrong.

"This belongs to the girl you kept talking about last night." Katrina says. "I found it in your car and it was, what I think was alcohol spilled on it, so I washed it."
"Thanks I guess.." I say back.

Looking at it and remembering the night. Some of it at least. I remember her eyes. Does beautiful green eyes. If eyes could speak, one look would say anything. And her eyes showed me my future. A future with her. Not that does thoughts are new for me in my head.

"It doesn't help me figure out who the girl is tho.." I say.
"It was in your car Colby. That could mean she may borrowed a shirt from you if you had a extra one." Katrina says.

I take my keys and runs fast to my car. I know I always have an extra shirt in my car. If it's gone I am more dead then this headache makes me.. and to my luck the shirt is gone. Slowly I go back inside.

"I had and t-shirt in my car.." I say.

That mean the girl have it right? Maybe I spilled alcohol on her? And I felt some kind of guilt so I have her the extra one in my car? We can go with that reason. I look at the top. Staring it down like it somehow will talk to me. Trying to get answers. It will be hard to find her. I should forget her.. Its no way I will ever find her.

"Man...' I should forget her.. I will never find her anyway.." I say.

The front door opens and closes. All the roommates goes to see who it was. And it was just Elton. And a girl. Girl?! But not just any girl... the girl!!

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