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Colby's pov:

Days have gone last and I can say that I don't remember much of them.. I have been drinking like crazy and waking up in a strangers bed more then ones.. Now I woke up in a new bed. Looking around to see a figure. A girl.

"Good morning handsome." She says.

I shake my head trying to see who she is. When I do, I get as fast as I can up.

"Good morning and goodbye Rita.." I say and get dressed very fast.. or as fast as I can with a headache.
"Don't go already.. we had so much fun!" She smirks.
"I don't care! I am not myself right now and you are making my situation even worse now! Can't you understand that you are a part of what's ruining my life! Are you happy.! If so you shouldn't be.." I say and get fast out.. Calling Elton to ask if he can pick me up...

Elton's pov:

I see Colby outside of my sisters place. I shake my head but I am glad he finally contacted one of us. He haven't been home for days and we all know why he haven't.. or we think it's because of y/n...

"Before you ask or start yelling at me.. this is not because of y/n.." Colby starts as he gets in the car. "I don't know what's wrong with me.. I just know it's not because of y/n.. and I am sorry.. for this.."
"It's okay... we just need to figure out why you have been like this.. we are worried dude." I say and start to drive.

Colby looks at his phone and he has call and texts from so many people. I see that it's one person who haven't tried to reach him. I can see Colby is hurt when he notice it too.

"You okay" I ask.
"Yeah.... just screamed at your sister so I hope she understands something now.." Colby says with a little bit is a chuckle.

Colby's pov:

We get back home and as soon as I step into he house I got a lot of questions..

"Please stop.. let me come home first and not have a headache.." I slowly say.

I got to my room, close my door and fall to the floor. My back against the door, arms around my knees and I put my head down. I wish I could have done everything in a different way. This is not what I want.. what do I even want? Do I even want someone.. why is this so difficult... I should have control over my life! Of my own feelings. My mind is not mine anymore.. this one person is on it and I can't understand why.. I don't like this person in that way.. do I? Slowly I breath... stand up, open my door and walk downstairs.. all eyes gets in me when I enter the kitchen.

"Sorry.. I will tell you.. why I have been ignoring you.." then I tell them.. telling them what I can tell them..

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