Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty: 

"Better lock it in your pocket, taking this one to the grave." 

        We followed the man who I learned was named, Keltomn. He was friendly, with a welcoming attidude. I followed closely next to Sebastian, as we moved from the dock onto a small path. I could see a beautiful palace, and I was in shock. "What is this place?"

"My home." Keltomn smiled at me, and offered his arm, and I took it, feeling anxious to see what he had to show me. "It's quite beautiful is it not?"

"Yes, it is, I can see why my father loved it so much." 

"Your father, was going to bring a great amount of trade to our people, and I am glad to be able to restablish that connection with the company again." He patted my hand, and we moved up the stairs. 

"He wrote of Africa, and then of Australia, but I never knew he meant Morocco." 

"He often spoke to me, asking my opinion on where to go next, and his goal was around the cape, then up to Australia, through the rest of Africa, and then home." He laughed, "He told me, 'It was a  way to secure B and M trading from ever being considered small." I let out a small laugh, and looked back at Lucas and Sebastian's faces. 

"I am glad, that you know things about my father like this, I get to see another side of the man he was." I squeezed his arm.

"Well Camille, I can tell you one more thing before we go in that room, and sit and talk. He wanted you, to be the woman you are now. Quite smart, beatuiful and taking his place." He let my arm go, and continued to take his seat at a head of the table. I followed taking one close to him. He had a small wooden chest sitting in front of him. "Before we start, I want to again, share my deepest apologizes to your crew, yourselves, and the trading company, for the men who were sent to kill you,and the face they were from here." His face grew ill looking. 

"It's quite fine. We know who sent them, and hired them." I looked at my hands, and tightened my fingers together. 

"I have heard, Miss. Braxton." He nodded his head, "Now the things inside of this box, are labeled to who they belong to. There is more, those will be sent home with you. Since we were unable to obtain a key to them." I looked at him raising my eyebrows. "Now let's begin." He opened the trunk, and began searching through it. "Mr. Lowry, this one is for you." It was a small sword wrapped in silk, with a note, that Sebastian read carefully. "Mr. Madison, for you." He handed a small box, that when Lucas opened, there was pocketwatch, with another note inside. "And finally, Miss. Braxton." He sat a small box, and then laid a sword bigger then Sebastian's in front of me. I opened the box, and let out a gasp. Inside laid a piece of ivory cut into a ship. I touched the small replica, wondering where he could have gotten it. The note inside was small, with quick writing. Camille, these two objects are very dear to me, and hopefully to you. The sword... well you should know by now, why you have that. I hope you will find the rest of everything you need. Good luck, kitten. I love you. 

I sat the note back in the box shutting it. "Is that all?" 

"Yes, but I can have this chest sent back to the ship with my gifts, and that box if you would like." I nodded and he smiled taking it and gently putting it back, along with the sword. I looked at Sebastian, who was still staring at the blade and note. I looked at Lucas from the side of my eye, and he was watching Keltomn. 

"I believe it's time to eat." Keltomn smiled, clapping his hands. "Hope you are all prepared to eat." 

        After the meal, and spending time speaking Keltomn about his country and trade ideas. We were on our way back to the ship. I could see Keltomn's men waiting for us. "Ah, there you are, Miss Braxton." They bowed, holding a key toward me. "This is for you, and this as well."

I took both shaking, and unfolded the note. Honey, the key, doesn't open what I have left for you to take home, I am sorry. But it does offer you, a place to live, and be safe here if it ever comes to it. I am sorry for the secrets you are learning now. I did them for you. 

        My jaw fell open, and Sebastian looked at me, "What is it?"

"He had a home here." I held the note up, and just sat there. 

"Come on, let's go for a walk." He took my hand leading me down the beach. "You need to just get away." 

I let him take the note, and key, slipping it in his pocket. "Thank you,"

"So I do believe, it's time to start training you. You did well with the dagger, but you need to know how to protect yourself fully. That's why you recieved that sword." He had let go of my hand, and I was missing the warmth.

"I know, but I am not sure how to even start, ' 

"That's why I am here. I know where to start and where to end." 

"Thank you Sebastian." I stopped looking out at the ocean. 

"I am ready to be home,"


"Because, your father left me something I believe may be a key." He was pondering through his thoughts, but stopped looking right at me, "I need your help."

"What is that?"

"Play it off to Calston, as nothing. Nothing about the attack, don't mention it. Just say all is well, when he asked about the trip."

"Why?" I was astonished he would even ask. 

"Becuase, if you react, that's what he wants. And we need to play his game, for just a little longer." He looked into my eyes, "I promise, just awhile longer. "

"Okay, I trust you, Bash." He smiled at me, and I felt myself giving in. "Let's get back to the ship. This has been a very long day for my first trip out since this." I pointed at my leg, that was stinging, and making me want to cry. 

"Let's go." 

Once we were back at ship, I exited to my room. I closed the door, pulling the clothes off till I sat in my slip. The chest from Keltomn was sitting in my room, next to my own. I opened it up looking at everything that he had given me. It was filled with jewels, books, and little other things. I touched them and pulled out the two gifts from my father. I opened up the silk to expose the sword, and grasped it in my hand. It was light, but the metal felt cold against my hand. I swung it a few times, and then laid it on my desk. 

I sat on my bed, opening up my father's gift, toucing the ivory. I sat it on my nightstand, realzing it was a replica of his ship he had. I touched it, and pulled out the book from Sebastian. I let myself finger through it till I found a page with writing on it. Strong, that's what you are, Camille. I see it everytime Calston's hands touch you. Everytime another clue is thrown at you. Strong. Beautiful. I am sorry for what's happening, and what could come. 

        I laid it on the nightstand, and sat there, wondering what Sebastian meant, and I felt myself growing tired. I laid my head on the pillow, before reaching my hand out to grab the ship on more time. I played with it in my hands, moving it in a small circle. It had every detail his ship did. From the lady in the front to the small crack that he had in the middle from a sharp corner his captain took. I could see everything, and if I closed my eyes... I saw my father standing on the ship waving goodbye to me. I couldn't help but choke back soft tears. I missed him, and I needed to figure a way to revenge his death, without killing everyone else that meant anything to me.  My mother, though was sending me to my death with Calston, while I was sending Lucas to his, for not telling him the truth with Serena. I felt myself getting worked up, and my tears were getting louder. And that's when my door opened, and Sebastian stood.. 

"Camille?" He pointed to my side, and I nodded, letting him sit. "What's wrong?"

"I was just looking at his, and then missing my father. Then thinkng of how I am going to be the cause of death, or I am going to die if this isn't done correctly." Sebastian grabbed my body, and held me close. 

"Your death won't happen, till mine does." 

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