Chapter Thirty-Two

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Chapter Thirty-Two

"Better lock it in your pocket, taking this one to the grave." 

I woke  up, being blinded by the sunlight that was pouring into the room. I tried to sit up, and winced in pain. I looked around and saw Sebastian asleep on the floor, and my mother sleeping, with her head on the arm rest. I coughed, as I scooted my body upwards, causing both to shoo their heads up. My mother's face filled with tears, as she rusehd out of the room to find someone.... 

Sebastian, smiled grabbing my hand, "I am so glad to see those stubborn eyes." He kissed my forehead, holding back tears.

"H-how long have I been out?" I looked at him.

"Three days... And try not to speak to much." He smiled at me, patting my hand.

I shook my head, "Three days?"

"Yes, a lot has happened... I am the only one to know that you killed Henry, so you know.." He shook his head, and stopped speaking as my mother entered the room. 

Aiden followed behind her, and they both hugged me softly. "Oh, I am so glad you are alive, darling." She touched my face, "I am so sorry, I was going to have you marry that monster." She kissed my cheek, "I am so happy Sebastian saved you.." She smiled, looking at him, then back at my face, "What is it?" 

I looked at Sebastian, and he nodded. "I have a confession, mother." I wiggled my body into a sitting position. 

"What is that?" She sat back in the chair and watched me. 

"On the ship, we were attacked." Her face looked shocked, "Only few of our crew died, not from illness from a sword. I killed a man on the ship, as he tried to rape me, being told it would be fine from Calston..." She gasped, trying to speak, but I held up a finger, "We planned, finding Serena with Calston, hoping that would delay the wedding. But it made it happen faster." She shook her head, "Serena is the reason for Lucas being murdered... She admitted that, and many other things..." I smiled at Sebastian, "Mr. Madison admitted, he forced Lucas onto Serena, hoping it would give him a better chance at life. And pertaining to our fight, mother... You should know, father choose me, he wrote it in a letter..."

"Because, he knew like the sea, you never stop changing, and you would be the stubborn wave to end it all." She smiled, "He wrote to me as well, it was in with my dresses. He apologized for loving the sea, more then me." She laughed, "I wish I could tell him, that I loved him more then society. I would have left here, any moment to Morocco or to live on that ship, but he said he wanted what was best for you two." She patted both our hands, "I see him in you, Camille. And I see me in Aiden. I am glad this may be coming to an end. The Calstons' have caused so much grief... And we deserve to be free of their threats." 

"I was told, with his last breathe... this won't be over mother, I must get rid of the ring..." I mummbled. 

"I saw that ring, is that what this is all over?"

"Yes, it is a powerful ring, with lots of knowledge to it...I have a book, and notes on it." 

"I will read some day, Sebastian has that ring, by the way." 

"Thank you." I had just realized it was gone from my neck, and he patted his pocket. I nodded, and looked back at my mother, "And I would have married Henry, if that is what needed to be done mother, I just couldn't deal with him anymore, and I knew it was my only escape. Rose..."

"Rose, is free. Darius was killed, by Mr. Moore." Sebastian spoke, "It was an accident, but it was a freedom." 

"I am glad, not that he dead... He could have been a different person without Henry around, but for Rose, she can be happy." 

"The Madison's are moving... to Morocco, and will help with trade there, but they need away from England and the society games." 

"I can understand that." I nodded, and moved my body to the side, wincing. I looked down and looked at the bandage that covered my body. 

"You were mummbling, something in your sleep... for lack of a better word.' Sebastian looked down at me.

"The Pirates Prayer, my father read it to me, usually when one of his men died. I was thinking about it, before you arrived to save me, and in my sleep,  I heard his voice speaking to me." I smiled, and looked over at everyone. "I saw a lot of memories too, things that made me forget the pain." I looked up at Sebastian, and he took my hand. 

"We should let you rest, I must go home and change." I looked round the room, realizing I was in the hospital. "Sebastian, will you stand watch... I am still scared."

"of course," He smiled. I kissed my mother and brother goodbye, and was left alone with Sebastian. His whole body changed as the door shut behind them, he burried his head into my lap, and I could feel soft tears coming from his eyes. 

"What is it?" I whispered, touching the back of his neck.

"I thought I had failed," 

"What do you mean?" 

He lookd up at me, tears falling down his face, and I wipped the away. "When I found you, stabbed, blood everywhere, Henry dead... I thought the worst. I promised you wouldn't die or get hurt, till my last breathe. And there you were, dying. Your body fell limp in my arms, and I thought you had gone, and I rushed to find a doctor, to find a way to save you. The last three days, I paced the hall, jumping at every deep breathe you took. I was scared at any moment, they would stop coming. I thought about throwing the ring off the dock, and knowing that would keep you safe. I admitted to your mother, I had been in love with you, since I first laid eyes on you. But I couldn't tell you. I told your mother I had failed, and she said no. My daughter will be fine, you are the reason she is." He was holding my hands now, rubbing his thumb against my skin. "I wouldn't let anyone take care of my wounds, till you were safe. I was doing anything they told me, except to rest. I watched as they stiched you up, holding the water, or a rag for the doctor. They finally asked me to leave the room. Your mother thanked me over and over again, and said it was my going up there, that saved you. I knew it was me teaching you how to fight that really saved you."

"Sebastian, I am alive, I am well. It is going to be okay, and I will be fine." I touched his face, "And I have loved you to. I thought love, was how I felt for Lucas, I was wrong. I thought love was something that should make me feel happy, not like how you make me feel. It makes me feel alive. I am safe, and I am not trying to be a person who isn't me." I touched his face, and stroked it. "I couldn't imagine being here without you. I would be dead, or wishing I was, if you hadn't come into my life. You helped me figure out what my father wanted me to know. And without you, I wouldn't have that ring." 

"But you may, not be sitting here, if I had never come into your life." 

"But, I wouldn't want this any other way, Sebastian." I pulled his face up toward me, and he touched my cheek. "Please, don't blame yourself. Blame Henry, and thank yourself for teaching me to fight." 

He laughed, "I can do that, Camille." He smiled, kissing my cheek. 

"Thank you." I smiled, and he kissed my lips, gently. I winced from where Henry had busted it open, but didn't let him stop. 

"I forgot about those." He touched the side of my lip. "I wish I could have killed him..." He grunted, laying his head in my lap again.

"I am glad, I did it. He tortured me... I needed to be the one to do it, because otherwise the puzzle wouldn't be complete. He didn't even want the ring... He wanted what you had... He hated you... And I hated him. I went along with so much, because I wanted to keep you safe. And I knew I could if I played his game..."

"He wouldn't have killed me, it was a bargaining tool to you..." He touched my hand, "And it worked in your favor, not his."

"I do not wish to speak of this anymore, he is dead. I don't want those memories, anymore." I mummbled. 

"I understand, and please do rest... I need to speak more with you later, dear." He kissed my head, but I grabbed his hand as he tried to walk away.

"Tell me now..." I looked into his eyes, and they were filled with something I couldn't tell. 

"I have a job..." I listened to the words come from his mouth, and part of my heart broke... "on a ship." 

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