Chapter Twenty-Four

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Chapter Twenty-Three 

"Better lock it in your pocket, taking this one to the grave." 

        The weeks leading to Aiden and Olivia, became a blur. From the night I gave Lucas and Aiden their keys, I hadn't seen them. My mother hardly spoke to me, or mentioned the money or the dress. I had slid the ring on a chain, wearing it around my neck. But the day before the wedding is when the puzzle I believed was solved, fell apart again. I stood in front of my brother, as he introduced to a man, who worked for our father. He was a childhood friend of Aiden's atututationnd was standing with him at the wedding tomorrow. He was slightly older then Aiden, but had scars that covered his face, neck, and what seemed to be his entire right side. "Camille, this is Cameron Moore." He smiled at me, bowing. I lowered my body, as he took my hand, kissing it. 

"Hello, Mr. Moore," I stood up, and looked into this eyes.

"Nice to meet you,'

"Nice to meet you, too." He was watching me, and I was wondering what he was thinking.

"Aiden!" It was my mother's voice coming from the parlor, "Come here."

"Cameron, I will be with you in one moment," He disappered. And in a hurried voice, Cameron began to speak.

"Camille, when you have a moment, I would like to speak with you. I was on the ship with your father, I want to explain what happened on that journey. Along with the Morocco situtation. " He was hushed, ad speeding through his words. "But I want to be alone when we speak of everything." he looked serious, and all I could do was nodded. 

"Meet me outside, say you need fresh air." I disappered toward the old house, sitting on the porch waiting. 

When he finally was able to join me outside, I watched, he limped on his right side. "Camille." He said my name, looking at me, "Thank you for allowing me to talk."

"Of course, I always want more information." 

"The ship..." He wasn't wasting anytime in this conversation, knowing that we only had a few moments to speak, if that. "We were ambushed, they injured almost all of us, killed very few, and killed your father. They kept asking for the ring of the sea, of course none of us, except a very few knew what it was. Your father, refused to tell. They said they were not finished, and would show up when the time didn't seem appropriate." He shook his head, "I fought with my life, to save him. But I couldn't, Camille. Please know that." He looked at me, and I touched his hand. 

"Thank you, Mr. Moore." I smiled, "Now Morocco?"

"Yes... Morocco." He laughed, "We showed up there one day, and your father was asking about the trade, and about that ring. And when the words slid off his tongue, the man we were speaking with went crazy. Bowing and worshiping your father. I wasn't sure what was going on. But soon we were all showered in gold, treasures, houses. We were said to be the "mighty kings" of Morocco, though they had their King. We were the ones above him, because we found this ring. Still wasn't quite sure it was. But your father used it as his back up plan. This is where he wanted your family to retreat to, knowing that soceity wouldn't tear you apart." 

"I still am learning these high society games." I shook my head.

He laughed, "Me too, now let's get back inside there is a wedding, we both must endure." He laughed,helping me to the house. 

*******************************************************************************************************************          The next morning came quick, and I waited for Annie to knock on my door. "Come in." She opened the door. 

"We must begin to get ready!" She smiled, "Today, is a big step for all of us." 

"You are right," I touched the ring on my neck, and stood up from bed. Annie dressed me a large ballgown, tightening the corset so tight my boobs pushed the edge. I looked down, and made sure you couldn't see the necklace. She braid it my hair, letting it fall down the side of my neck. 

"Beautiful." She kissed my cheek, "Hopefully our next wedding to celebrate is Mr. Lucas' or yours, Camille." She smiled, and rubbed my shoulder. 

I stood up, and walked out into the landing, looking over the railing. I could see Aiden, in his blues, and grandfather, standing against his cane. My mother was wearing a gown my father left for her, and a necklace. I smiled, and they looked up at me. "Beautiful." My mother whispered, motioning me to join her. I followed, standing at the base of the stairs, before rushing to my brothers side. 

"I am so happy for you, Aiden." He kissed my head, "I am so happy, to be here." Mr. Moore stood beside my brother. As we all gathered outside into the carriages, we were on our way to the church. Arriving there, was as if I was standing in the middle of on eof my mothers balls again. It was filled with high society. I saw Sebastian, leaning against the post, smoking a pipe. Lucas was holding Serena's waist, looking around as well. 

I stepped out, and looked at everyone, rushing my body into the church. Hoping this would be over, so I wouldn't have to be around these people. "Go join, Olivia." My mother whispered and I found the door that led to her. She was wearing a dress that took up the entire doorway, and she looked gorgeous. I smiled, touching her arm, "I am so thankful to be having you as a sister today, Camille." She said it then kissed my forehead. "Now, let's go on with this." 

The wedding was beautiful, and I had never seen my brother so happy. I watched, feeling Calston's eyes on me at all times. I wanted to block him out, to only focus in own Olivia, and my brohter, but as soon as the ceremony ended, he was by my side, whispering things in my ears, "You know showing yourself like that, isn't going to end well." He gripped my waist, and I felt sick to my stomach. 

"I need to go find someone," I said, hurrying through the reception crowd. On the outskirts, I could see Serena and Lucas, but before I got to close to them Sebastian grabbed my arm. 

"You don't want to hear that," He whispered. 

"You were listening in on their conversatoin?"

He looked at me, like I was asking him if the sky was blue, "It's my job, Camille." He shook his head, "Anyway..." 

But before he could speak, I felt a strange sensation cover my body, I watched Serena storm away, and before Lucas could step even two feet away from the spot, something happened. A man jumped down from the tree, landing on Lucas. He screamed, and so did I. Sebastian rushed that way, and Mr. Moore behind him, there was now two men holding Lucas down, and a third held a knife to his throat. I was watching, paralized, along with every other guest at the party. The man holding the knife was looking at me now, "THIS IS FOR THE SEA!" He screamed, and I touched my chest, shaking. The knife slid across Sebastian's throat, and the blood poured, just like the man on the boat had. I screamed, feeling tears rushing my face. I watched as Cameron and Sebastian killed two of the men, but the third got away. Cameron chased after them, but Sebastian was beside me before I knew it. 

"Camille, you must go." I shook my head, pushing him away, rushing to Lucas' body. I grabbed it clinging to the lifeless body. Blood covering me. I could see Serena standing on the blacony. Her face, white, as she looked at me. She was mouthing something, what seemed to be a prayer. I looked between her and Sebastian, and Sebastian knew what I was thinking, the words I itched to scream. But I couldn't. Sebastian stood waiting to see the Madisons, who were now rushing toward us as well. I touched, Lucas face. Whispering, I love you, over and over again. It wasn't till Sebastian removed my body from Lucas, and carried me away, my mother was standing in the crowd, with no words to say, as many others did. All they did was cry. 

"Who were they?" I was shaking, and my voice was weak.

"I am not sure, they weren't any men I had seen before. But Mr. Moore, seemed very sure he knew them... I will talk to him... but I do believe those men, those men who slaughtered an innocent man, wanted you. But were hired by Serena, and she planned it." 

I was shaking now, I was furious, heartbroken, and scared. They wanted me, and who else would be killed before they got to me. "How do I take her down?" I whispered. 

"What?" Sebastian looked at me, raising his eyebrows in shock. 

"Sebastain, you heard me. How do I take her down?" I growled. 

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