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Lizzy's pov

After we went home we got off our bikes and walked in the house, then shut and locked it.

"Is anyone else feeling weird?" Blue asked

"I am." Melissa stated

I nodded and looked out the window. 


Melissa's phone went off, we turn to her and she blushes

"Who is that, and why are you blushing?" I asked

"That guy that was talking to me at my locker the other day." She said slowly

"Your blushing because???" Blue asked

"Forget it, I have to go." She said rushed

"Where are you going?" I asked 

"To the cafe." She said then went outside and shut the door

"Well then, what now?"

"Netflix?" I said happily

"You and stupid netflix." She glared playfully then laughed

We sat on the couch and started watching netflix. Soon after the doorbell rang. I figured it was Melissa 

I went to get the door and it was not melissa. It was the guys from the mall

"What the fuck are you doing here, and how did you know where we live?" I asked sharply

"Good to see you beautiful." 

I winced, I haven't been called beautiful sense Him. I tried to hide it but the guy noticed and growled. Wait growled? No I'm hearing things.

"What do you guys want?" I asked with venom in my voice

"Who is at the door Liz?" Blue asked

"MINE!" The one with the brown eyes and black hair said

"Sam, relax. So your name is Liz?" The same guy from earlier said

"Dude nothing here is yours, and to you why does it matter what my name is?" I asked

"Who is inside?" Sam said

"Liz who is-" She got interrupted

"Why hello kitten." Sam said with a smile

"No, don't call me that. What are you all doing here?" She snapped

"We are here for you three." The guy from earlier said smoothly like that is the most normal sentence. 

"Not again." I groaned with an annoyed expression


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