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Lizzy's pov

I woke up to my phone ringing, I hit the answer button without looking at the caller ID.

"Hello?" I say with my morning voice

"Hey, where is my sister? She isn't home." Marks gruff voice came through the phone

"Uh, yeah she stayed the night over here."

"Ok, well I need help, I got attacked."

"Where are you, how bad." I asked worriedly

"I am 3 blocks from the house on pine view. I don't know how bad, I can't walk and I got stabbed."

"I'll be there as soon as I can." I said then hung up

I went into Jeremy's room and woke up melissa

"What?" She groaned

"Get up, we have to go. Where are the clothes you got for us?"

"Over there. Where are we going?" She pointed to the corner of the room where there was a bag full of clothes. I grabbed it and got her out of bed.

"On a rescue mission hurry up." I rushed out

"Ok,ok." She yawned

"Let's go get blue and get out of here."

We walked to sam's room next while melissa woke blue I walked back to Damon's room and grabbed his keys hoping not to wake him.

We all met outside Damon's room door. We quickly got changed in the downstairs bathroom and I wrote a note for the boys so they won't worry

Dear boys

Sorry for taking your keys, we needed to take care of something. Don't worry about us, we will be fine. Thank you for understanding.

I wrote it fast and looked at all of us. I wore my black short shorts and black crop top that said catch me and my black leather jacket Melissa had on her black jeans and her matching shirt to mine with her leather jacket. Blue wore her navy blue shirts with black pants and black leather jacket.

All in all we looked hella good. We loaded into Damon's car and started our trek to mark.

"Guys there is something I need to tell you, your parents have been kidnapped." I said sadly

They both gasped

"What happened to yours and why did they get kidnapped?" Melissa asked nervously

"Mine were killed, after my mom had my baby sister. They got kidnapped because Xavier wants us back."

"That fucking dick!" Blue said angrily

"Is that where we are going?" melissa wondered

"No, I won't risk killing them without having a plan. We are going to grab mark. Someone attacked him."

We sat there in silence for a little while.

'Where the hell are you?' Damon linked I blocked him and turned my location off of my phone.

"Turn off your location on your phones." I said

"Sam is gonna kill me." Blue groaned

"You guys really let them control you?" Melissa asked

"Control no, listen yes. I can't help it, I love him." Blue mumbled

"I think I do too." I said

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