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Lizzy's pov

I saw Blue, and we ran fast. Good thing we both are great in track. I saw the two guys jump out the window and ran after us. They were faster, just great.

"Stop right now!" The one I still don't know the name of yelled

"Damon, block the hoop!" Sam yelled

Damon looked confused then his face brightened like he finally understood.

Damon stopped chasing us and ran an oval, I realized what he was doing and looked at sam to see he is doing the same thing but Blue didn't catch on. 

"Blue look out!" I yelled but it was to late, sam already tackled her

I got really angry and instead of running from Damon I stopped and charged for Sam. I caught him off guard and took him to the ground. I managed to stay on top of him and started punching him really hard. I heard Blue crying and starting hitting him harder. 

Someone grabbed me from behind and tried pulling me off but I elbowed them. They released me and I started beating on Sam again. Blue finally grabbed me and whispers to calm down and taps my shoulder. That is the only way I will calm down without exploding on the person. 

I relaxed slightly and turned around. Blue had tear stained eyes, I searched her from head to toe looking for injuries. She looked ok except for the tears. I relaxed more and looked to my right to see Damon helping Sam up from the ground. Sam looked pissed and walked over to Blue.

"Get away from her now!" I shouted 

He looked even more mad when she pulled away and walked to me.

Damon grabbed my hand and I lunged for him but Blue held me back. 

"Stay calm. Let go of her hand." She demanded

He refused and Sam grabbed Blue's hand gently.

I went to go say something but blue cut me off shaking her head. Damon started pulling me towards where we ran from. I was skeptical but followed anyway

"I've never seen a girl fight like that before." Damon said

I ignored his comment and we kept walking to the house. When we arrived the other guy was standing outside.

"So dickheads, I know you are Sam, you are Damon, who the hell is he?"

Sam and Damon looked pissed while Blue laughed. 

"Hello? Dickhead what is your name?" I asked again

"Jeremy." He stated sharply

I nodded and Damon shoved me to keep walking clearly still upset.

"Chill dude." I said bored

"Liz?" Blue said

I looked at her and she looked at Sam, then at Damon. I realized they had a far away look to them
I mouthed back 




When I said 1 we both kicked them where the sun don't shine and bolted to the couch, and cuddled up to each other

They went down and started groaning. 

"Boys, stop groaning and take that to the bedroom, not in public.

 We both laughed and they walked over to us

"You think that is funny?"

"No, I thought it was hilarious." I chuckled

He sat next to me on the couch and I looked over at Sam to see Blue was uncomfortable next to him. I looked back at Damon to see him already looking at me. He grabbed my hand and I yanked it away. He growled. I moved away and he growled louder.

"Stop moving away from me." He growled out

"Dude, stop growling." I said slowly

He pulled me back to him and I got up and moved to the other side of Blue. She smiled at me and I smiled at her.

Sam grabbed her and put her on his laugh and she snapped. 

"Let me the fuck go now!" She yelled and her eyes changed from green to a dark blue. They only did that when she was gonna start fighting. 

"Blue!" I yelled and she looked at me and I pointed to the window. Our secret way of saying something, for blue it was her eye color. She got what I was saying and pushed herself off him and looked at Damon with hatred.

"Bathroom?" She stated sharply not looking at him in the eyes

"First door on the left." He looked hesitant 

She nodded and walked off.

Sam looked upset and glanced at me

"What just happened to my mate?"

"What the hell is a mate?" I asked pissed

"Don't change the subject." He walked closer trying to be intimidating

I stood "Back up."

"Or what?" He smirked walking closer

I was ready to hit him but Blue yelled my name

I walked to her and gave her a confused look, she pulled me into the bathroom,shut the door, and turned on the tap water.

"How are we gonna get outta here and find M" She whispered

"We find a phone." I stated confidently

She nodded and shut off the tap and opened the door

We walked to the living room to see it completely empty. We glanced at each other and headed to the door. Arms suddenly wrapped around me and I was feeling warm, I didn't like it. Ok, I did like it, but I didn't want to like it. It scared me that I liked it.

 "Where are you going beautiful?" He whispered in my ear

I shivered slightly but he noticed and smirked

"Getting the hell out of here, or so I hoped." I replied

His smirk dropped and he pulled me closer to him. 

"You're not leaving me." He said sharply

I suddenly felt sad for upsetting him, but ignored it.

He picked me up and carried me up the stairs. I started shaking remembering the first time I was kidnapped. I used my foot and kicked him in the ribs and he dropped me. I landed on my feet and started shaking. He got up from the ground and turned around with an irritated expression that softened when he looked at me. 

"Hey, don't cry. What's wrong." He said softly

I heard stomping coming from the stairs and was surprised to see Blue.


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