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Blue's pov

I fell asleep trying to ignore my body's need to release. I woke up to kisses on my collarbone and his leg wrapped around mine.

"Kitten, wake up." Sam whispered in my ear

"No, I'm tired." I grunted

"Wake up."

I opened my eyes and saw he was laying next to me with nothing but a towel, my body was screaming. I was in so much pain, and him teasing me wasn't helping at all.

"Why the fuck did you just wake me up." I asked trying to rub my eyes but my hands were still tied

"Because this is also part of your consequence." he said removing the towel. I closed my eyes so my body would stop screaming.

"Open your eyes kitten, or it will get worse."

I couldn't open them. He got dressed and came back to me. He grazed his finger on my area putting my underwear back on correctly. Then trailed his fingers all over my body except where I wanted them. I pushed his hand off my waist, he growled and put his lips everywhere on my body, I moaned.

"Told you it would get worse. You should really start listening to me." He said huskily

"Untie me." I demanded

"Uh-uh, you aren't getting away with demanding shit anymore. Keep demanding and you will get punished more.

"Pl-please un-untie me." I hated becoming submissive, it was hard.

"Let me think. Nope." he smirked

I kicked his knee growling, he growled back getting closer in my face. When he stopped growling he kissed me. I kissed back hoping he would help me. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance, I accepted. Then we fought for dominance, he pulled away.

"Who is in charge?"

"Not you." Big mistake

"You will learn."

He moved from beside me and got on top of me, then lowered his bottom half brushing it against mine, I whimpered.

"All you have to say is a couple words, and this will all be over soon." Sam whispered

"I'm not submitting!" I yelled

"You really are stubborn kitten." He said

He got off the top of me and walked out of the room. My phone suddenly went off, I looked around for it but couldn't find it. I realized it's probably in the bathroom. Sam wasn't gone long, he came back in and sat at the edge of the bed playing on his phone.

I groaned and tried rolling over but still got stuck

"Un- will you please untie me?"

"Well that is a start from asking instead of demanding." He stated still not looking up from his phone

"Well, are you gonna untie me or not?"

"There are the demands again."

"Stop being a dick and fucking untie me."

He didn't utter a word and just continued playing his game

I tried feeling the frame to see if I could find any sharp point on it, thankfully there was. I started rubbing the rope on it. After awhile I stopped rubbing the rope when he got up. He looked at me noticing I was being too quiet. He laid down resting one hand under my head and one on my area. I started moving my hips so he was rubbing me, when he realized he smacked my area and moved his hand.

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