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Lizzy's pov

Blue looked at Damon with so much hatred

"Did I hear you say my best friend was crying?" Blue stated with so much venom it surprised me

She glanced at me and immediately got more mad. I got up from the ground and walked to her.

"Hey, calm down." She whispered

She looked behind her and I just now noticed Sam standing there.

"I need your phone." She said quietly

He handed her his phone instantly with her puppy dog look

She started playing jar of hearts. They always play that song when one of us cries. Which isn't often. I started calming down and thanked her.

"So wanna tell me what that was about?" Damon said

"Nope" I said popping the p

He groaned annoyed and walked to the door leaving it open. Sam whispers something into Blue's ear and she groaned but followed him to his room. I went to turn and walk back downstairs when someone clears their throat behind me.

I turned around and looked at him.

"Come on, lets go to sleep."

"Um no. I'll sleep downstairs, thanks though."

"Yeah no, you won't."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me. Lets go"

I started walking back downstairs again when he grabbed me and pushed me into the room. I went to slap him but he had already disappeared.

I took that as my chance to walk out but before I even got the door open he grabbed me and put me on the bed. Then proceeded to get in behind me.

I went to move away from him and he pulled me right back into him. Our bodies fit perfectly together. I felt safe and didn't want to move, but ignored that feeling and started moving around.

He groaned when I moved a certain way and I froze.

"Stop moving." He huffed

I ended up laying there on my back with him cuddled into me. I couldn't get Melissa out of my head. Where was she? What was she doing? Did she know we were gone? I sat up that whole night thinking about her.

I looked over at him and was really tempted to brush my fingers through his jet black soft hair.

I almost did if not for his phone going off. He turned over and looked at it, then looked at me.

I gave him a confused look and he just brushed it off and put his phone back down.

"How long have you been up?" He asked tiredly

"All night." I said truthfully

"Why didn't you wake me?"

"You tell me, yeah i'm gonna wake my kidnapper and tell him I can't sleep."

"Don't call me that." He growled out angrily


"I'm serious, don't fucking call me that."

"What time is it anyway?" I asked trying to change the subject

He turned around and looked at the clock and groaned

"It's 3 am." He replied then grabbed my waist and pulled me to him then fell back to sleep.

I wanted to grab his phone but decided against it because I didn't want to wake him. I finally fell asleep a couple minutes later.

Kidnapped by them COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now