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Lizzy's pov

I'm his mate, I feel this pull to him because of this mate thing. I don't know how to feel.

"How do I know you aren't lying to me right now?" I asked

"Do you feel this?" He asked rubbing his hand down my arm

Sparks, that was the only thing I felt.

"Yes." I said heavenly

"What about this?"

Before I could ask what, he got up from the bed and kissed me. Pleasure, is what I felt. I moaned into the kiss which made him pull me towards him more without breaking the kiss. I entangled my hands in his hair and pulled which made him groan.

He pulled away and I was panting. He didn't stop kissing me, he moved his lips to my neck. He hit my sweet spot and I moaned, he smirked.

"I love the effect I have on you." he said

"Oh yeah?" I challenged

He gave me a confused look and I smirked. I got up off the chair and walked straight up to him and pushed him on the bed. He sat there stunned and I climbed on top of him kissing him roughly. He groaned and it was my turn to smirk. I pulled away and he glared playfully

"Tease." He huffed

I laughed and got off him. I just remembered I still don't have any pants on and blushed.

"Where are your sweats?"

He pointed to his dresser drawer and I got in there and grabbed a black pair. I walked to the bathroom and heard him laugh. I put the sweats on and tied them then walked out.

"Can I borrow your phone for a second?" I asked hopeful


I frowned but didn't argue. I walked downstairs and saw blue on the sofa with a phone in her hand.

"Where did you get the cell?"

"Sam gave it to me."

"Lucky. Did Sam tell you the whole story about why we are here?"

"Kinda, not very much detail, something about im his soulmate and if I reject him he will die."

Reject? You can reject your mate?

"Did he tell you how to reject your mate?" I asked curiously

"Kinda, he was nervous to tell me."

"How do you do it?"

"You start with I, your name, reject you, there name, as my mate." She looked at me trying to read what i'm thinking.

"Now that you have a phone have you gotten ahold of M?"

"Yeah, I'm meeting her later." she said happily

"How are you leaving?"

"Sam, is taking me."

"I am going." I stated leaving no room for argument

"Where are you going?" Damon asked walking down the stairs

"With blue to see melissa." I said

"No, you are not."

"How are you gonna stop me, you have seen what happens when someone gets in the way of me and my best friends. Do you want a replay?"

"Fine, but I am going with you."


"It's either I go with you or you don't go at all."

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