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Lizzy's pov

When we walked inside I saw Melissa sitting at a table and someone sitting with her. I thought it was the guy she had been hanging out with till they saw us and stood up and I saw who it actually was.

I let go of Damon's hand and ran to embrace Mark, Melissa's older brother. After hugging him, I hugged Melissa who was previously hugging Blue. Then Blue hugged Mark.

When I released M I was pulled back and felt the familiar sparks knowing it was my mate. He was upset and I felt bad because he said not to leave his side and I ran the first chance I got. Sam was upset as well

"I thought I told you not to leave my side." Sam whispered not so quietly into Blue's ear making her frown.

I saw Melissa look confused and I mouthed 'later' thankfully only she caught it. We all sat down at the table and mark started talking

"So what have you girl been doing?" He asked like it was no big deal

"Learning new things." Blue replied casually

"So Melissa, have you graduated yet?" I asked

"I actually graduate tomorrow." She said happily

"We told you, you didn't need a month to finish your stuff." Blue said

"So mark, how have you been? When did you get back?"

"I've been good, keeping busy. Just got back 2 days ago to be told you 2 moved out."

I stiffened and Mark and Damon noticed. Damon put his hand on my leg and I relaxed. Mark noticed that too, what didn't he notice.

My phone vibrated in my back pocket. I checked it without anyone noticing and it read

From unknown: You got a new number, it's Melissa. Go to the bathroom, I'll meet you there.

I whispered in Damon's ear

"I have to go to the bathroom." He nodded and released my hand

"Excuse me." I said and got up and headed to the bathroom

While I waited for Melissa I quickly put her contact into my phone. It only took her two minutes, when she walked in she didn't look very happy.

"You need to get out of here. I love you but Xavier is on his way." She said sadly

"How do you know?" I turned my emotions off and stiffened

"The guy i've been hanging out with, blake, told me."

"I'll see you tomorrow at your graduation and I will text you. Love you." I said rushing to leave

I walked out and immediately Damon knew something was wrong before I even approached the table.

"Mark, I love you but we got to go."I said coldly

"I love you too baby sister."

I suddenly got a new message but didn't check it. Grabbed Damon's hand and got out of the cafe as fast as possible. When we exited Blue looked at me worriedly. I still kept my emotions locked up, it wasn't safe to show them right now. When we got to the cars, I kept lookout to make sure blue got in the car before I did.

Sam opened her door and shut it, then walked to his side and got in. Damon did the same thing for me and went to his side. When he buckled I looked behind him and saw them, not Xavier but his crew. I looked at Damon with sharp eyes

"Stay here, do not get out or I will leave and never come back." I said with so much coldness and venom

I saw Blue get out as well and tell Sam something then shut the door and looked at me. I noticed she shut out her emotions as well. We walked together side-by-side and walked up to them. They stopped and so did we. There was Daniel, his twin Daniella, Max, and a new guy.

Kidnapped by them COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now