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Lizzy's pov

After we woke up we went to the living room and I made breakfast for Damon and me. I made pancakes, two for both of us. After making the food, I grabbed a couple of plates and put syrup on the pancakes and gave one to Damon. While we were eating melissa and jeremy came downstairs. Jeremy was actually smiling, and Melissa was blushing.

"Good morning you too." I said with a smirk

"You too." Jeremy replied

"Hey." Melissa said

Jeremy looked at melissa "Are you hungry?"


Jeremy walked to the kitchen and Melissa sat next to me.

'Are we safe?' Melissa mind-linked me. Yes we figured out how to mind-link each other

'I strongly believe so, why do you ask?' I linked back

'You are still watching your back.' She said looking away from me

She was right, I kept unconsciously looking around looking for danger. I didn't reply and I blocked the link. I felt safe, but I can't help but look behind me every now and again. I have never had anyone to rely on, I don't know how this works.

'Relax, your shaking. Why?' Damon's voice came into my head

'I'm fine. I'm gonna go on a run.' I said getting up grabbing my plate and taking it to the sink, rinsing it and then running out the back door.

'I love you, be safe.' Damon linked as I ran from the house. I didn't respond and kept running.

After an hour into the run I found a door randomly in the woods. I suddenly got a headache and a sharp pain in my ears, sharp enough I fell to the ground clutching my head and ears. I heard something and then the pain and noise stopped.

"Get out of here!" Someone yelled clearly using a voice changer.

I looked around trying to find the location the voice came from. Suddenly the pain came back 2x stronger, I screamed.

"I said leave, or I will do it 10x this!"

'Babe, what is happening? Why are you in so much pain?' Damon's worried voice asked through the link

'Relax, I'm fine.' I said easily

I started walking in the direction I last heard the voice, a bad idea. The pain came back so strong I started getting dizzy.

'Get your ass home now! I know you are in pain, I feel it.' He said clearly also in pain.

'I'll b-be right th-there.' I barely made out

I started walking backwards and tripped over a branch. My ears started bleeding, I rubbed them and ran all the way back home. I opened the front door and walked to Damon falling as soon as I reached him. All I saw was darkness, pitch and pure blackness.

Damon's pov

She opened the door with her eyes half opened, walking slowly to me. I grabbed her right before she hit the floor. I looked at her really closely, blood running down her ears, face red, I moved her eyelids and they had blackness around her eyeball. I got scared and rushed her to the pack doctor.

I made it to the pack doctors and threw her on the bed yelling for the nurse and doctor. Crispin came in a couple min later

"Alpha, what happened?" he said going to Liz

"She went on a run, I felt pain through the link and she came running in the house and collapsed."

"Did she go alone?"

Kidnapped by them COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now