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Blue's pov

I realized as soon as liz wakes up they will ask her that question so I decided to mind-link sam

'Do not ask her what happened, either of you if you know what is best for her.' I blocked the link again

Max and I kept talking about random stuff trying to avoid the main subject. The boys and Liz came in an hour later. Sam looked pissed, Damon looked upset while liz just looked tired.


She looked up at me "Yeah?"

"Are you alright?"


I felt Sam trying to mind-link me, I can't open the link without him figuring something out.

My phone went off, when I pulled it up it was max

From max: Hey, your tencing. Calm down, come outside with me.

To max: Ok

I put my phone away and started walking outside feeling his eyes burning holes into the back of my head. I walked over to the grass waiting for max.

"You ok?" he asked coming to sit next to me

"I will be when this is all over." I said laying my head on his shoulder

"I missed you guys." Max said

"I missed you too maxy." I said using his old nickname we would all call him

He glared at me playfully then we both started laughing.

Sam's pov

I watched as she walked outside without looking back. Who texted her? what did it say? I worry so easily over her.

Then max walked outside. What is happening, why is she ignoring me? What did liz's wolf say that is making her avoid me? I walked to the window to see him comforting her, I didn't like it. Then she laid her head on him saying something that made him glare at her. Then they both started laughing. Why is she showing him her emotions but not me?

I will admit I am extremely jealous. I can't help it, my beautiful mate is laying her head and laughing with another male.

I walked outside

"What is going on here?"

She pulled her head from his shoulder and guarded her emotions again

"Nothing." she said

I looked at her carefully, she looked away. I growled and walked up to her

"Come on, let's go cuddle." I said using her favorite thing in the entire world.

Her mask cracked and let a smile break through. When she smiled it made me smile. I grabbed her hand and led her to the room

Blue's pov

I couldn't help but smile at him wanting to cuddle. I usually have to do my puppy dog face for him to cuddle with me because he isn't good with staying in place for a long period of time. Which makes me think he is trying to do something, and I have a feeling he is trying to get info out of me. It's not gonna happen though. I'm not telling him that though, I want my cuddles.

Once we walked into the room I smiled really big when he jumped into bed dragging me with him. He laid on his back and I layed on his chest rubbing my fingers up and down his abs, which made him groan in pleasure.

"I miss this." Sam said

"Miss what?" I replied

"I miss this, you laying on me showing me you actually love me." He said kissing my forehead

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