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Lizzy's pov

I awoke in Damon's arms. He was carrying me upstairs to his room. He didn't notice I was awake till he laid me in the bed. I reached out for him not wanting to be alone.

"Please don't leave me."

"I'm not, I'm just gonna go check on max. I will be back."

Damon's pov

I walked to the guest room across the hall to ask max what happened. When I approached he was walking out of the room.

He casted his head down looking at the floor, not looking at me.

"What happened back there, why did she say Isabella? Who is bella?"

He grabbed his phone out and typed something. I thought he was ignoring me, I went to snap at him when he handed me his phone. It read sorry, it's not my place to say. She will tell you when she is ready.

I looked at him confused, why didn't he just say that. I shrugged and went back to our room. I got there to see she wasn't in bed. I would have been worried if I didn't hear the shower running.

I got in bed and made myself comfy waiting for her to get out. A couple minutes later she came out in my black sweats and one of my grey t-shirts. She tied the t-shirt in the back with a hair tie. Damn she looked really good.

She climbed into bed and cuddled up to me. Well this is a nice surprise usually I have to force her to cuddle me. I layed on my back and she layed on my stomach. She fell asleep and I watched her. She looked so calm. I have never seen her so calm. Her phone snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked over and she had a message. I opened her phone to look at it.

From Melissa: I am so sorry about Xavier. I hope you will be there tomorrow when I graduate. I also forgot to give you guys your clothes earlier because of the emergency I will give them to you guys tomorrow. Also I have a surprise to show you tomorrow. Love you hope to see you soon<3

I got out of the message and was gonna shut off her phone when an unopened message caught my eye

From unknown: Hey Liz it's Mark. I got your number from M and just wanted to say I approve as your big brother, to date him.

I shut her phone off and put it on her nightstand. Why didn't she open that message? After a few more thoughts popped in and out of my head I glanced at her one last time then went to sleep.

The next morning

Liz's pov

I woke up to an empty bed, I frowned. Then I heard the water running. He was showering. A few minutes later he walked out in just a towel on his lower half, showing his very toned 8 pack and V-line.

"Baby, I know I'm hot but if you don't stop looking at me like that I won't be able to help but mark you."

"Mark? What does that mean?"

"Uh, it means find the sweet spot on your neck and claim you as mine completely."

"Claim? I am not an object." I stated sharply

"I didn't say you were babe. I'm just saying it's in my nature to claim you eventually. It lets all other male wolves that you are not available. So you are mine, and I am yours."

"Does it hurt?"

"I have to bite your neck, so yes for a second then all you will feel is pleasure."

"I do want you to be completely mine.."

"If you are joking then stop because it is hard as hell to hold my wolf back as it is."

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