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Lizzy's pov

I woke up in a bed. I thought I was at my front door? Why does my head pound? I went to get up but I couldn't move. I moved the blanket and groaned, handcuffs. I hate handcuffs with a burning passion. I grab my hair pin that is always in my hair for this reason exactly. 

I undo the handcuffs and look around. Black walls, grey sheets, black desk. Great! note the sarcasm. I noticed my phone wasn't in my pocket. I look and see three grey doors and put my ear the one next to the one by the desk. No noise, well that is a good sign I think. I was gonna look at the other doors that were side by side but changed my mind and decided to go find my best friends.

I slowly cracked open the door and looked around, nothing. I opened it all the way and looked out. There were two hallways with one door on one side and one on the other. Ugh! which one could they be in. I heard movement from the left side of me and a little thump was heard. I knew it was Blue because she always rolled out of bed in the morning. I was hoping knowone would hear the thump and ran into the room. Blue was the main color, how ironic.

Blue groaned and got up ready to fight,she saw me and ran to me instead. 

"Where are we?" She asked

"I have no idea." I stated

"Do you remember what happened?" B questioned

"I remember the one guy saying he was there for us and then woke up in a bed that wasn't mine." I rolled my eyes

"Ok, have you seen Melissa at all?" She asked worriedly

"No, I haven't. She shouldn't be here, she left before we were kidnapped." I stated

Suddenly there was a noise from next door. I turned around and found a window

"Do you remember how to jump?" I asked quickly

"Yep." She said popping the 'p' proudly.

"Great let's go." I opened it and she jumped

As soon as she was out the door opened and in walked Sam. He looked at me confused and I backed up preparing to jump backwards when he grabbed me. 

"Where is my mate!" He yelled

Someone else ran in the room and it was the guy from before. Great, what now? I realized the guy holding me was distracted. I used that to my advantage and jumped out the window. 


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