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*Warning some inappropriate scenes below*


Lizzy's pov

"So, are you gonna scold me for helping my brother now?"

"Not for helping your brother. Only for blocking the link and shutting your location off. The one thing I told you not to do."

"Fine, then here." I said handing him my phone

"I was gonna take it, but I have something better in mind." he smirked

"Oh god, what?" I asked concerned

"Come here."

I slowly walked to him afraid of where this was gonna lead. I made it to him and he laid me down on the bed and then climbed on top of me.

"You look hella sexy in this outfit." He moaned into my ear quietly

"Oh really?" I smirked

"Yes, the short shorts," he ran his hand up and down my legs

"The crop top and leather jacket," he said putting his lips down to my stomach

"And you showing off your six packet," he dragged his fingers through my tones stomach muscles after he was finished kissing them.

"Only one thing would make this better." he said still rubbing his finger on my abs

"What would that be?" I moaned out, he stopped his movements completely and stared at me

"Without any of it on." He said gruffly, removing my top.

I grabbed the bottom of his shirt and ripped it off of him then moved his face to mine kissing him roughly. He never once broke the kiss removing my shorts. I messed with his sweats trying to get them off, finally he removed them.

He started kissing me everywhere, and with that we had sex all morning, and fell asleep in the afternoon.

3 hours later

I woke up to max walking in the room, I groaned but got out of bed grabbing my shorts and bra and throwing them on and taking him out of the room trying to leave my mate asleep. It wasn't a big deal to either of us that I was in my bra and shorts. Max has seen me in worse, sadly.

"What are we gonna do about the whole kidnapped thing? I want my son back, and I know you want your sister and family in safe hands." Max said

"I do, I think we should ask the girls what they want to do, because it is also their parents involved."

"I agree, but could we not tell them about Junior please."

"Is that your son's name?"


"Can I ask where his mother is?"

"Xavier, did what he did to you, to her. Only she didn't escape, she tried and was caught. He killed her." Max said ready to burst out in tears

I walked over to him and hugged him. I was still hugging him while he cried on my shoulder when my door opened. Damon looked beyond pissed. For what reason, I didn't know. he pulled me away from the hug and glared at max. Now I am getting upset.

"I think it's best if you go back to the guest room." Damon said gruffly

"Go max, i'll see you in a little." I told max

That seemed to make Damon even more mad. He grabbed me after he shut the door, and put me on the bed.

"Why were you hugging him, or even near him looking like that!" he yelled at me

"It's not like it's the first time he has seen me like that." I said under my breath but because of the werewolf hearing, he heard me.


I forgot he knew nothing about my past. This is just great, note the sarcasm.

"I am gonna go and let you cool down, so you stop fucking yelling at me." I stated extremely calm

"If you walk out that door, I won't cool down. I will be even more angry!"

He was starting to piss me off.

"Tell me why he has seen you that way." he demanded

I don't want to talk about my past. Not now, and not anytime soon.

"Leave it." I finally snapped

"Tell me!"

That's it! I have had it with his yelling and shit. I needed to leave and get out of here before I started getting a panic attack. The only way to do that is break both our hearts

"I Elizabeth reject you damon as my m-" he cut me off by pulling me towards him and kissing me.

Oh, you thought he stopped there. No, he didn't. He started sucking on my bare skin right above my chest. I moaned, which led him to take my bra off and cup my breast with one hand and rubbing down below with the other hand through my shorts.

He stopped his movements and whispered "Don't ever say those words again."

With that he walked to the bathroom and started taking a shower leaving me unpleased and wanting, no needing more. I decided I wasn't gonna let him win.

I walked into the bathroom quietly stripped off all my clothes and climbed in. I forced him to face me and kissed his lips really rough.

'Jump' he mind-linked me

I did as told and we spent a while in the bathroom.

We finally got out of the bathroom and got dressed, then headed downstairs. We walked right into the living room joining everyone else who was there.

"Glad you guys could finally join us, anyway about the plan, anyone have any ideas?"

That was what the rest of the day was, discussing, perfecting, re-discussing, re-perfecting. After about 5 hours we got a solid plan and a solid distraction to get our family back.

I headed outside to get some fresh air and was shocked to find out that it was dark. I walked out further and sat on the grass.

I was thinking about how to tell Damon I loved him when I heard a branch snap, I turned quickly and realized he was reading my mind, great.

"Is it true?" He asked hopeful

"Not exactly how I wanted to tell you, but yes babe. It's very true."

He ran to me, picked me up and spun me around.

"I love you too baby girl."

I kissed him and accidentally rubbed my leg across his junk. He groaned and started to walk inside.

"We are not going another round." I said seriously

We did, then we fell asleep.


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